Chapter 15: Jugheads Demons part 4

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Why in everyone of  my stories so far their is at least one reference also WHY IS THIS SO LONG?
Jughead P.O.V
Everyone has been visiting me regularly even Fred came in a couple times. According to the doctor I'm going to be leaving in a couple days which made everyone excited and Betty launched into a plan to celebrate. I smiled as her eyes lit up with excitement and she was speaking a mile a minute, Veronica had to calm her down so everyone else could understand what she was saying. Dad comes in most mornings after I wake up to keep me company most of the times Mom and JB come to but this time it's only him.

"Where's mom?" I asked
"I asked her to stay home I wanted to talk to you alone about something"
"Sure dad what is it?"
"What's going on with you Jughead? You seem tired all the time" I don't want to burden Dad or anyone with the nightmares which have become more frequent since Mom has arrived. I've had a nightmare about Clifford slicing her neck and about him throwing JB into a frozen lake, even Archie and Veronica have become victims to my terrible nightmares.

"Nothing Dad it's just these beds is all" I try to laugh it off "their not the most comfortable" he doesn't buy it at I slept in a closet at school and now I'm complaining about comfort?
"If there's ever anything you need to tell me you can you know that right" I nodded my heart aching

"Betty seems to be doing better" I was relived to be hearing that
"That's great I told her not to he hard on herself"
"Yeah she seemed to listen, we've had her around the house a few times, JB really likes her"
"Who wouldn't like Betty" I smiled
"You love her don't you"
"I do"
"Don't let her go Jughead and don't push her away" I nodded
"Your good at that.... pushing people away"
"Yeah it's just easier sometimes"
"You know I love you Jughead"
"Yeah I do Dad, I love you too" he put his hand over mine and I smiled and before I could think about it it all came pouring out

"I've been having these nightmares about Clifford Blossom every time he's killing someone, first it was Betty then it was you then it was mom then JB even Archie and Veronica have joined and each time I just stand there and watch them die" before I know it I'm crying and he's there to hold me. He doesn't say anything just let's me cry
"I wanted to tell you and Betty but I didn't want anyone to worry" I said between sobs
"Jughead we will always worry about you me, your mom, JB, Betty, Archie, Veronica, hell even Fred will worry about you, if something is wrong then you need to say something so we can help ok" I nodded

"Please don't tell anyone besides mom and JB, I'll tell Betty" he nodded
"How long has it been going on?" He asked
"Since the day at the bar the first nightmare happened that night"
"Hey" he pressed his hands on both sides of my face
"We are gonna figure this out ok, if you need to go see a therapist then we will support you in that"
"Dad we can barely afford hospital bills much less therapy" he sighed and whispered "damn it" under his breath
"I appreciate the thought dad" he nodded and laid back in his seat

"So how are you doing?" I asked wiping away my tears
"Good I mean I'm working kinda distracted though Fred understands and things are good with your mom and JB who has taken over your room while your gone, we've actually been talking about moving"
"Really?" I asked
"Well I have a stable job now so we've been looking around I even suggested to move next to the Coopers just to see the look on Alice's face your mom... she didn't find that joke funny"
"Did they not get along?" I asked
"No not really I never understood it women you never get them"
"No you don't" we both laughed

Dad spent the rest of the morning there then he left to go to work, leaving me alone but insisting he could stay but I told him to go anyway. I tried to sleep surprisingly with success it was nightmare free and woke up to seeing my friends circle around me.
"Hey guys sorry were you waiting long?" I asked
"No not at all" Archie said I noticed Betty put her hand over me
"Your leaving tomorrow" she said with a giant grin
"Yeah tomorrows the big day"
"It's gonna be Saturday so I can come and see you leave"
"Yeah and we will be here too Jughead" Veronica added I smiled

"Thanks guys, thanks for being here everyday when you probably have homework and Archie  you have football practices and doing music... stuff" they all laughed
"No it's no problem Jug I would rather be here then there anyway"
"Really? You'd rather be at a hospital with gross food and sick people then outside in the fresh air?"
"Well no but I'd rather be with you then getting punbled to the ground"  he patted me on the back
"I appreciate that"

We laughed and they stayed until visiting hours were overs and I read until I feel asleep.
I was running down the hall I don't know why all I remember was I had to run. I opened multiple doors and saw nothing, closed them and kept running until I opened one and it was all of  friends even Kevin was there on the floor with blood all over them and Clifford leaning over Betty's body. I herd footsteps and Clifford ran out the door on the other side of the room and in comes all of their parents, they bend down to their child hold them and start crying. I just stood there they could see me I could just see my friends dead and their parents crying over their bodies.
I woke up and looked at the clock next to me, 3:30 am. I groaned and fell back down, will these nightmares ever end?

I must have fell back to sleep because the next thing I remember is whispering and my eyes opening to see Mom, Dad, JB, Fred, Archie, Betty and Veronica crowding around me and JB is holding a crown balloon and there's a basket on my lap. I chucked
"What is this?" I asked
"It's just your own little slice of Riverdale to keep with you, when you were gone me Archie and Veronica together some of your favourite things."
"It was manly Betty's idea" Archie said I smiled and opened the basket, inside was a folded up menu from Pops
"Since we couldn't give you a actual burger we still wanted to give you something from Pops." Veronica said I smiled and kept looking in the basket was: the Pops menu, a flyer for a movie playing at the Twilight Drive thru that JB kept, a poster for it closing, a piece of the drive thu, (don't tell anyone)  my hat which I thought was lost it was when cleaned of all the blood, and last but lest a card with everyone's signatures on it. I smiled

"Thanks guys this is amazing" I said
Everyone said your welcome and I packed up what little things I had and headed out the hospital. We decided to spend the day at Archie's since it's the biggest place next to Veronica's but unlike her mom Fred won't shoot me and dad when we step into property. We were crowed around the living room just talking and laughing, my arm around Betty and her head resting on my neck then I herd a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" said dad who was up anyway getting himself some water he opened the door to revel Cheryl

"Hello Mr Jones your looking especially DILFy today"
"Cheryl please stop" I said from the living room
"Jughead it's nice to see you" she walked pass my dad and walked up to me
"What do you want Cheryl?" I asked
"To offer you something"
"Cheryl I can't take any more money" I said firmly
"It's not money well not directly at least no I'm offering your family your very own home"
"WHAT" we all said at the same time
"It's true pick any home you'd like in town and we would be happy to pay for it, here's my number Jughead tell me when you've decided and we will be in touch" she gave me a pice of paper and walked away
"What just happened?" JB asked

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