Chapter 4: Jugheads changed

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Is it bad that this is going to make my night? Ps bughead are a thing in this one shot and it's the end of a summer, they haven't seen each other all summer Betty was away and Jughead was working with Archie. Also this is basically the start with episode one only its Jughead instead of Archie

Betty's POV
"You excited?" Kevin asked while I was looking in my bedroom mirror in nothing but shorts and a bra. I turned around and looked at him and Veronica lying on my bed

"So excited I haven't seen him all summer"
"He wouldn't shut up about you coming back last week" Veronica said with a smile I smiled back and could feel myself blush it's true that the week leading up to my return Jughead and I talked about nothing else when we texted called or Skyped each other.

"You guys gonna join us at Pops?" I asked
"I'll pass on being the third wheel" Kevin replied
"Agreed plus it's the first time you guys have seen each other all summer knowing Jughead he probably has the whole night planed out" Veronica said she was probably right Jughead may look like a bad boy in a 90's movie but he was actually a romantic at heart.

"Speaking of Jughead he got hot!"
Kevin replied looking out the window over at Archie's, Veronica went over first
"What are you... oh my god Betty get over here!" I walked over to see what my friends were talking about and there was Jughead shirtless in Archie's room just siting down he was probably shirtless due to the heat.

The heat wasn't new since it was summer what was new was the muscles Jughead seemed to have acquire over the summer. He was always a bit muscular from the odd times he would help Mr Andrews at his construction site but this summer he said he would be there all day every day for work. He didn't seem to notice the 3 people looking at him through the window as he was talking with Archie about something, he also wasn't wearing his hat which was a huge difference.

"You go girl" Veronica said and nudged me I just smiled feeling proud that people have finally started to noice how attractive Jughead is.

"Would date definitely" Kevin said, me and Veronica just looked at him
"If he was gay obviously but are we sure he's not though" I just rolled my eyes
"Come on guys stop ogling my boyfriend"
"Did you know about this?" Veronica asked walking away from the window
"Well he was always a bit muscular he just gained some more over the summer" I replied
"How? What? Just... how?" Kevin asked still confused and looking out the window
"That boy eats nothing but burgers and has a better body then most people in Riverdale" I went over to the window and pulled Kevin over towards me and Ronnie

"Come on before they see us"
When I got to my bed again I herd my phone go off and a text showed up on my screen
Like what you see? The smirking emoji followed I wanted to roll my eyes but couldn't help but smile
just a little bit don't want to bost your confidence but I think Ronnie and Kevin want to date you now
Betty you know I have no confidence and tell Kevin that I'm flattered but he's not my type and tell Veronica to ogle her own boyfriend I laughed at the text, Veronica and Kevin turned their heads towards me
"Was that a text from Jughead?" V asked
"Maybe" I responded "by the way you guys are busted they looked back at the window and Jughead was waving at us and we all waved back.

He then turned around and walked further into the room out of our sight. I got another text from Jughead
Met me at Pops in 5? I miss you so many heart emojis followed that text
Definitely and I miss you too I replied with just as my hearts
"Sorry guys I'm off soon to met Jughead at Pops"
"Tell him we said hi" Veronica said smirking as I started picking out a top
I was about to settle for a sweater then Kevin came over.

"Ok no your not wearing that" he grabbed the swerved then threw it behind me and started digging through my closet before finding a shirt
"This one" he said then shoved it in my face.

It was a simple low cut blue t shirt that I bought on a impulse that I saw it in a store when I was out shopping one day, I saw it and the colour made me think of Jugheads eyes, I had planned on wearing it on the first day back to school, now that Jugheads dad is out of jail Jughead moved back with him and will be back at Riverdale high again. This year will be the first year we start off together, we really didn't get to walk down the halls much together last year as we were both focusing on our own family drama and figuring out the Jason Blossom murder and all the drama around that.

"Isn't this a bit much though? I haven't seen him all summer"
"Exactly" Kevin said
"He won't be able to handle seeing you in that after getting used to your sweaters" Veronica added, I trusted my friends and put on my shirt then started to head out, Veronica and Kevin behind me waving goodbye and them wishing me luck as we parted ways.

When I stepped though Pops Jughead was already at a seat drinking a milkshake and a burger next to him. When he saw me I could tell I made the right choice listening to Kevin and Veronica, I walked over to Jughead and sat next to him kissing him before I could say anything. He kissed back immediately and brought his hand up to cup my face. Before it could go any further and we started to make out in a booth even though we were the only ones there I broke apart and smiled
"I missed you"
"I could tell" he smirked them looked down at me
"New shirt?" He asked
"Yeah I thought of you... do you like it" I asked nervously Jughead replied by kissing my neck and whispered
"I love it on you but I would love it more on the floor"
"Do you have a floor on mind" I whispered back
"Mm hum" he said before taking my hand and leaving money for his food before practically running back to his home with me in tow.

Can there be a series where it's jut all the characters ogling Jughead? Betty is like yes my boyfriend is hot thanks for finally noticing. Ok thanks I'll write it I'm not joking you know I will Jughead being appreciated is what I love for and not just his body but for anything really

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