Chapter 14: The Serpent and the Venom

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This technically isn't about bughead but about their parents, bughead is mentioned but my falice heart I need to write something about these two the tension. So if FP and Alice isn't your thing feel free to skip this chapter also if people are actually interested in this trash that I'm mainly posting for myself I have no problem making this a mini series. Oh also to add to this Alice and Hal are separated because Hal is a dick

It was supposed to be a relaxing night. Jughead said he was taking Betty out for a date so he don't expect Jughead back until later in the evening, Fred had called asking to hang out. That was the first mistake of the evening, what was wrong with hanging out with a friend? Nothing at the time but it wasn't until I got out of my truck and made my way up the Andrews front step that things took a twist.

Nearby a door opened and who marched out other then Alice Cooper, Alice with her perfect manicured nails,her dress, and high heels. Heels that were coming right for me I sighed in preparation for the night.
"What are you doing on this side FP? She asked
"Hello to you too Alice" I replied
"Not funny"
"Really I thought it was, to answer your  question I'm here to hang out with Fred, his son is out tonight with friends and wanted company, or do you want to check my phone records?"

"What about your son? It's not wise to keep your child alone at home"
"Ok first of all Alice Jughead is out on a date, with your daughter by the way"
"I'm aware just wanted to make sure you were too"
"And second are you really giving me parenting tips?"
"Well someone needs too"
"Oh that's rich Alice don't act like I don't know or forgot about where you grew up, about what you did" I paused and smiled

"And what we had" her eyes widened
"I'm guessing Hal doesn't know either, otherwise Jughead wouldn't be allowed within 5 feet of Betty."
"There's nothing to tell" she said
"Really?" I asked
"Really" she said and got closer to me, I could feel her breathing, I could almost feel her lips on mine again like so many years ago.
"So you didn't tell me you loved me?" I asked
"No" she responded
"And we didn't have sex in the car?"
"Don't remember" she answered
"Funny must have been some other sarcastic quick witted blond in the South Side"

"Wouldn't surprise me, you always had girls trailing after you" I smirked
"No" she answered firmly
"No?" She shock her head
"So it didn't bother you when I had a date to homecoming"
"Not at all"
"So it must have been someone else who scratched up the inside of her car then"
"Must have been" she said like she was innocent
"Oh really?" I asked leaning in just a small bit
"Really" she responded
"So it doesn't bother you when I do this"

I caressed her face trailing my hand along her check and her jaw, stopping at the bottom of her neck
"You know I'm married"
"Then stop me, slap me, tell me to go away, I'll go in Fred's house and never bother you again."
"Your married too" I laughed
"Barely" I said she bit her lip
"Me too, I kicked Hal out, he doesn't support Polly coming home and keeping the baby"
"Hals a bastard" I said

"Yeah he is" her lips finally met mine and her fingers wrapped around my hair while mine squeezed her hips. I felt her fingers tangle though my hair and my hands trailed up and down her waist. I herd a moan which made me smirk then her tongue made it's way inside my mouth and I moaned back. I was about to break apart and take her back to my place, I didn't hear the door open but I herd
"Im sorry apparently I've opened the door to the past"

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