Chapter 25: Little runaway part 3

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Jugheads P.O.V
"So do you want to explore the town?" I asked a while later "we can go to Pops for lunch, cause mayhem, Dad wouldn't know what to do with us" JB laughed
"Sure let's do it" she said with a smile we both told Dad were we were going
"Don't cause too much trouble" he said we both nodded and made our way to Pops

Betty's P.O.V
"So she just showed up?" Veronica asked
"Seems like it" I said taking a sip of my milkshake
"Why is she even here?" Archie asked
"To see Jughead maybe" I replied "it can't be easy on her I could relate to being separated from your older sibling. Someone who you could talk to when you didn't want to talk to your parents, they were always there for you and made sure you were ok before looking after themselves.

"Wow they look alike" Veronica said I turned around, we saw Jughead walk in with Jellybean in front holding his hand. She was looking around as if she's never been to Pops before but chances are she's been there hundreds of times either with Jughead or her family. Jughead had a bright smile on his face as he watched his sister look around he said
"Hey JB why don't we get some milkshakes ok?" She nodded and practically ran to the front counter pulling on Jugheads arm
"I want chocolate"
"Ok you'll get chocolate" I smiled
"He seems happy" I said
"It's the happiest I've seen him" Veronica added

"He loves his sister he looked after her when their parents were fighting, always made sure she was fed and put to bed he even helped her with her homework. Sometimes they would hid in his room listing to music to cancel out their parents fighting. Jughead told me he didn't want her to hear them" Archie said
"Aw that's so cute" Veronica said putting her hand over her heart
"He doesn't show it but he misses her" I added looking at the pair over at the counter.

Once they got their milkshakes and said thank you they turned around and we all waved Jellybean took Jugheads hand and walked over to our both
"What are you two doing here? Thought you guys were gonna go cause mayhem in the town" Archie said jokingly
"We can't on a empty stomach" Jellybean replied I moved to the end of the seat allowing Jughead and Jellybean to sit on my side.
"No we can't" Jughead replied sitting next to me
"So what's your guys plans for tonight?" Veronica asked
"Oh we've got a few plans" Jughead said smiling
"Just don't go getting in to much trouble" Archie said
"That's what Dad said, why do you have to ruin the fun Archie" Jellybean said me and Veronica laughed

"Yeah Archie" Jughead said almost laughing himself Archie was just in shock after being told off by a 10 year old
"I'm sorry but did you give birth to her or did your mom?" Veronica asked over her laughter
"Hey I've taught her well" Jughead said ruffling her hair immediately after she started fixing it
"Your messing up my hair" she said clearly not impressed
"Yeah Jughead you don't mess with a lady's hair" Veronica said flipping her hair back for effect I saw Jughead roll his eyes

"So how long are you staying here?" I asked Jellybean
"The entire summer hopefully when my mom comes her and Dad will see each other again and she can see how great Dad is now and we can stay here permanently." That was always Jugheads dream for the longest time all he would want is his family back together. It seems his sister shares the same dream but it seems Jughead didn't share the same enthusiasm this time as he sipped his milkshake in silence. Me Archie and Veronica all seemed shocked that he didn't respond with equal enthusiasm

"Well I'm sure she will come around" Archie said Jellybean nodded
"Hey Jellybean why don't me and Betty take you to the bathroom, I can straighten out your hair" Veronica said Jellybean nodded and both of us led her to the bathroom not before Veronica whispered to Archie "talk to him"

Archie's  P.O.V
"Ok what the hell was that?" I asked the minute the door to the girls bathroom door shut
"What?" Jughead asked his arms spread out in confusion
"When your sister said she wanted your parents back together again you stayed silent as if that's not what you've been wanting ever since the year started."
"Yeah I did, but then things changed"

"What happened?" I asked
"The night that my dad got arrested and I sort of..."
"Lost it?" Jughead glared at me
"Sorry not the right word"
"I wasn't in a great headspace let's say that anyway I was on the phone with my mom asking if I could stay with her for a few days. She flat out told me no, wouldn't even let me talk to JB said she was asleep maybe she was but I doubt it" Jughead said looking out the window

"Have you told Jellybean?" I asked
"No I don't want to crush her hopes and dreams" I nodded
"I'm sorry that happened to you, that was a rough time in your life and your mom didn't help"
"No she didn't she didn't even come to dads trial as usual I had to do all the work, I just don't want JB to go though what I had to go though"
"Hey" I reached across and put my hand on his shoulder
"She won't she's got a great brother to look after her and even though your parents aren't on good terms when it comes down to it your parents love you maybe their was a reason why your mom wouldn't let you vist"
"Yeah maybe" Jughead said
"Just enjoy the time you have with Jellybean" I said Jughead smiled
"You know she'll tell you off again if you don't call her JB" I laughed

I'm sorry if I make JB come across as 5 instead of 10 I don't know how 10 year olds act I'm an only child and I'm not around kids a whole lot for long periods of time. Also with each story and chapter Jughead gets increasingly more angsty apparently

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