Chapter 29: The Good the Bad and the Dirty part 3

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Archie's P.O.V
I took a deep breath and walked into Pops I walked up to order
"Hey Pop"
"Hey Archie, alone today?" Pop asked
"Only for a bit, me and Jughead got in a argument and I want to talk to him" Pop chuckled
"Well the quickest way to get to Jughead is through his stomach"
"Don't I know it Pop, also I owe him for something else anyway so one burger and a set of fries and two milkshakes" Pop nodded and I went and sat down eagerly anticipating Jugheads arrival

Jugheads P.O.V
Needless to say I was confused when Betty showed up at my front door with a bright smile on her face. She pecked me on the lips before walking in
"I thought we would go to Pops for a bit then hang out at my place, my parents won't be home later" I got her meaning nodded then she took my hand and we left. We got in Dads truck and spent the drive there talking and when we reached Pops I noticed Archie sitting in one of the booths and froze.

"Juggie?" Betty asked confused why I just stopped
"I can't go in there" I replied Betty laughed
"What? Of course you can it's Pops" I gulped
"Not with him in there"
"Juggie Archie apologized to me and that's all he wants to do, he realized what a idiot he was and just wants to make up for it"

"How do I know? How do I know that this isn't a joke and that all he wants is for you to be with him" Betty sighed
"You can ask him" I looked at her
"You guys have been friends for years, friends tell each other everything including their fears and insecurities. Go in there and listen to what Archie has to say trust me Jug" I looked at her pleading eyes and I couldn't say no. I sighed
"All right"

Betty smiled
"Great see you" She then turned around and headed back to her house. I rolled my eyes then walked in first heading in the direction of the counter trying to avoid Archie as long as I can. That failed once I herd Archie call out my name, I turned around and there was a plate of fries and a burger alone with 2 milkshakes laid out on the table. On Archie's side was one milkshake but the rest was on the other side. I raised my eyebrow

"This is your way of apologizing?" I asked
"Kinda I also have a speech the phrase I'm sorry and I was a idiot is in there at least 3 times"
"I'm sure it's wonderful and well rehearsed but I'll pass" I turned around and walked out the dinner ignoring Archie calling my name. I got in the truck and Archie got in the seat next to me I sighed
"Give me 5 minutes"
"Fine you get from now to Betty's house" Archie nodded and I started the car
"Talk then"

"Ok well first of all everything I said was really uncalled for and not what I think at all, second of all I'm stupid for even going down that road I went down on and I promise it's not how I feel at all I swear"
"How do I know?" I asked driving
"Know what?" He asked confused
"That you really don't feel that way about Betty, that you just only see her as a friend and aren't trying to get the best of both worlds"

"What are you talking about?" Archie asked confused
"You Archie I'm talking about you and your wonderful stable life"
"You think my life is stable?"
"Let's see you live in a house, have a steady relationship with your family and your dad has a source of income and a good one at that, you didn't have to live in drive thurs and closets while your dad was running a gang"
"Hey you chose that, you chose not to tell anyone and I'm sorry that you don't have the greatest relationship with your dad or even your mom but we all have our issues" I couldn't help but laugh

"Yeah right must be so hard, oh my god I'm a great football player and a musician which one will I choose and on top of that everyone wants to date me how will I go on?"
"Well at least I don't have this woa is me attitude"
"Is this your way of apologizing? Because your doing a pretty shitty job"
"Maybe if you would let me talk for a second before butting in with your 'holler then thou attuide'"
"I have a attitude?"
"My attitude is nothing compared to your mood swings"
"Like you just do things without thinking and they aren't even smart things no wonder I end up in trouble I listen to you too much"
"JUG LOOK OUT" I turned my attention towards the road and a car was heading straight towards us I tried to swerve around it but it was too late and the car smashed straight for us. I felt the car flip and the glass brake and the airbags spring free before I blacked out. I herd Archie call my name then talking on the phone to someone before I finally was gone.

I woke up in a hospital bed with Archie Veronica Betty Dad and Fred. Archie had a few cuts on him and I felt Betty's hand on my own
"Hey guys, how long was I out?"
"A couple hours" Betty said and I nodded
"Archie called 911 got you here as fast as he could" Veronica added and I nodded I looked towards Archie who's head was facing the floor I noticed the cuts on his hands and some on the top of his face"
"You ok Archie?" I asked Archie nodded
"I'll need a few stitches but I'll live"
"What the hell were you doing?" Dad asked

"I um..."
"We were going for a drive and started arguing completely my fault though and that's when the car hit us"
"Well the other guy got off fine although I wish I could say the same thing about the truck"
"Ah the thing was old anyway I'll probably just trash what there's left of it, good riddance too because you will not be driving for a long time" Dad said looking at me I nodded understandable but still upsetting

"Well we should probably give these two idiots some privacy" Veronica said and everyone nodded and left Betty kissing my check before leaving. Once everyone left I looked at Archie
"So what's my prognosis doc?" I said smirking
"You have a fracked lung, ribs aren't the greatest either, also you'll need stitches for the cuts made by glass but all in all you'll live" I nodded

"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry" we both said I chuckled
"I'm sorry I should have listened to you, and not just about the car, you wanted to apologize and I wasn't listing"
"Yeah will who would after what I said, even though it wasn't true it was still hurtful and a shitty move on my part" I nodded
"Why did you say it then?" Archie sighed

"Isn't it obvious? I'm jealous of you and Betty" I raised my eyebrow points for Dad for being right
"Why?" I asked
"You guys look so good together like you discovered the key to be in a perfect relationship that you have everything planned out and know exactly what your doing" I laughed
"I don't have a clue what I'm doing"
"Then how do you do it?"

"We talk, if something is on our minds we tell the other person about it"
"I wish we could do that" Archie said
"Well we can for example" I took a deep breath
"I have this deep rooted fear that one day you will end up with Betty and the two of you will life happily ever after, that's why I got so upset because it was one of my worst nightmares becoming a reality" Archie nodded

"I understand and that was a really dick move"
"Just add that to the number of burgers your owe me" Archie laughed
"There's a number now?" I nodded
"Oh yeah" and there it was back to normal me and Archie talking, apologizing and taking some more. We may fight and Archie may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he will always be one of my closet friends and that won't change anytime soon.

It ended fluffy though

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