Chapter 30: Jugheads poker face

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My non existent knowledge of poker will show in this chapter

Archie's P.O.V
I don't know how it happened, I know it involved me opening my mouth. It started off as a stupid bet with Reggie and Chuck, we were in the locker room and Reggie was going on about how much of a pro he is at poker and Chuck was backing him up, just because his dad taught him a few tricks over the summer... which is exactly what I said out loud...accidentally.
"Excuse me Andrews?" Reggie said turning around to face me
"Like I said your dad taught you a couple tricks, I never herd you even mention poker until right now."

"Oh and you do?" Reggie asked
"No but I know a guy" I respond
"Who?" Chuck asked
"Why would I tell you?" Reggie smirked
"Ok Andrews you talk such a big game how about your poker buddy and me have a little pokers night"
"Deal my house tomorrow night" Reggie nodded and we shook hands later that day I was explaining this all to Veronica and Betty and they just sighed Veronica had her head resting on her hand

"Do you even know someone who can play poker?" Veronica asked
"Of course I do" I said defensively
"Who?" She asked
"Jughead" me and Betty said
"Wait what? When did Jughead learn how to play poker? Who taught him?"
"His dad, it was actually one of the few things they bonded over I never played against him before but anytime I seen Jughead play he's never lost not once"
"Really?" Veronica asked we nodded
"There's just one problem" Betty said
"What?" Veronica asked and I sighed
"He will never do it, play against Reggie"
"Why?" Veronica asked
"Well why wouldn't he? Reggie has been nothing but mean to him for years" Betty said
"Yeah Reggie and Chuck are assholes nothing new but this is Jugheads opportunity to fight back plus no one can turn down making a fool out of Reggie." I nodded "Well tell him that when we see him"

That day after school we all met up at Pops as usual and when we got here Jughead was already there typing on his laptop as usual with a mug of coffee next to him. Betty walked in first and she gave him a kiss and sat next to him then instantly wrapped her arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled and opened his mouth to say something witch made her laugh. I smiled before walking in
"Hey Jug" I said sitting down across from Jughead with Veronica next to me
"Hey Archie, Veronica what's up?"
He asked at this point closing his laptop
"So I need a favour" I said

"What is it?" He asked
"Your not gonna like it"
"Why?" Jughead asked confused
"So the thing is I may have said something stupid and now you have to play Reggie in a poker game"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because you'll win and it will be great" I said
"Yeah we can all see that smug look on Reggie's face disappear" Veronica added
"Nope not doing it, the more distance between me and Reggie the better" I saw Betty biting her lip trying to think of something before saying
"Chuck will be there too" that definitely caught Jugheads attention, despite it happening months ago Jughead never did get over what Chuck said to Betty or the whole locker door incident.

"I'm in"
"Great it's at my place tomorrow night my dads out of town"
"Perfect" Jughead began typing away
"You nervous?" Veronica asked
"Nope" Jug said with a smile me and Betty smirked while Veronica looked at me confused
"Trust me" I told her she nodded and the topic switched for the rest of the night.

The next night Betty, Veronica Reggie, Chuck and the rest of the football team was over and I was watching a poker game go down.
"And it looks like I win again, Andrews didn't you say you knew a guy" I stood there speechless Jughead was late I was starting to wonder if he would ever show up until I herd
"Your ego is getting to big for your brain to comprehend" we all looked around and there stood Jughead with his arms crossed smirking.

"Jughead Jones is your guy?" Reggie asked
"Where did you learn how to play? Daddy teach you while visiting him in jail" Chuck added Jughead almost lunged for Chuck but I held him back. After Jughead calmed down he walked over and sat down across from Reggie.
"Sure you want to do this?" Reggie asked
"Ok then"

The cards were delt and me Betty and Veronica stood by Jughead watching his every move. I smirked as Jugheads facial expression didn't change though out the game. I could tell Reggie was getting a little nervous and didn't actually expect for Jughead to be any good. Though out the game Veronica would ask what's going on and I would whisper to her what's happening and who's winning. Eventually Reggie said
"Ok Jones I'm all in, care to join" Jughead sighed
"I guess I have no other choice"
"Good because your poker game is gonna get flushed" he said revelling a flush leaving multiple people cheering and others groaning
"Wow Reggie a great move if only there wasn't a full house to see you loose" Jughead said putting down his cards to revel a full house and Reggie's face change from cocky to confused. Jughead got up and started walking out the door
"Nice playing with you" he closed the door leaving most of the room stunned and me with a smile on my face. Needless to say no one messed with Jughead again or to a extent Betty.

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