Chapter 50: Caught part 3

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Soft Jughead and Archie bromance
Archie's P.O.V
After a long day of school and football practice I just wanted to curl up in bed and go right to bed. When I got to my room I was about to close the blinds when I looked across to Betty's widow and my eyes widened what I saw:

Jughead smiling while sitting down in Betty's desk chair with Betty straddling him also smiling. I saw Jugheads lips move, Betty must have liked it because she laughed while Jughead pressed his lips against hers. I saw his hands reach for the bottom of her shirt and I quickly shut the blinds. I turned around and mouthed "oh my god" then laid on my bed.

Have I been so busy with school, football and trying to find time to be with Veronica that I didn't even see my two best friends falling for each other? Why didn't Jughead mention Betty to me? I felt a pain in my chest, Jughead and I are supposed to be best friends but he didn't mention that he likes or is dating Betty? I took a deep breath just talk about it with him tomorrow and everything will be fine. I turned off my light and fell asleep.

Betty's P.O.V
I giggled at Jughead
"Some studying we're doing"
"Well do you want to stop?" I said
"Never" he replied pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. His hands reached for my shirt I raised my arms while he gently lifted the shirt off my body and dropped it to the floor. At the sight of my half naked body he smiled
"We do have a test on the human body tomorrow and I have the perfect study partner."
"Your gonna study me?" I asked Jughead smirked
"Every... single... inch" I moaned and pressed my lips against his this time for a needy kiss.
"Ready for a hard night of studying then" I said

The next day
Jugheads P.O.V
I walked into the school feeling happy and confident for once. Not only am I positive I'm going to ace the test today but I had a great time at Betty's, her parents are away for the night trusting that she can be by herself for a night.

Me or Betty haven't mentioned to our parents that we are together yet, wanting to keep it a secret while Riverdale is still in the middle of a crisis. I saw Archie by his locker and walked up to him he didn't share the same cheery emotion that I had.
"Hey Arch" I said he looked at me with a mix of anger and exhaustion
"Hey Jug"
"You ok? Seem upset about something, you also should get more sleep or is Veronica keeping you awake?" I asked with a smirk. Archie slammed his door causing me to jump

"I haven't seen Veronica in days from football practice, there's a big game coming up and practices have run extra long." I bit my lip
"Sorry man I didn't know" Archie walked away
"Hey wait up" I ran up to Archie who kept walking down the hallway.
"Look I'm sorry ok I was trying to make a joke and it wasn't a good time" Archie stopped
"It's not the joke that I'm mad about Jughead" he looked at me
"I may not have had time to spend with my girlfriend but it seems you don't share the same pain"
"Yeah because I don't..."
"Don't what? Play football?!Or have a girlfriend because only one of those is true."
"Archie what are you taking about?"
"I saw you and Betty in her bedroom last night."

My eyes widened
"Archie I.."
"What? Trying to think of a reason why Betty was straddling your lap?" A couple people walked past us giving both of us looks
"Ok let's go talk about this somewhere else"
"No we are going to talk about this right here"
"Archie I'm not comfortable sharing my personal life with the entire school" Archie looked around like he finally realized where we were in his fit of anger
"Oh yeah right" together we walked into a empty classroom Archie slamming the dork behind him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed
"It's new, our parents know yet and Betty hasn't even told Veronica or Kevin."
"Why didn't you tell me you had feelings for Betty? We are best friends we are supposed to tell each other everything" I looked up at Archie
"Look my feelings for Betty they didn't just happen these past few months while we were investing Jason's murder ok, they've been there for years, I never did anything because of...."
"Her feelings for me"
"Yeah" Archie's face turned from anger to sympathy.
"Jug I'm-
"No it's fine, we're past it now but that was the reason when we were younger I was looking at Betty the way she was looking at you and while she wanted you to return her feelings I just wanted her to return mine. Archie opened his mouth again

"Archie it's fine really, there's no blame its just water under the bridge" Archie nodded
"Just do me one favour?" I asked
"Sure, What is it?"
"Shut your blinds at night" Archie let out a laugh then wrapped his arm around me.
"Then tell Betty to shut hers then, also next time Reggie teases you about not having sex?"
"I'll tell him to put a sock in it because that's the only thing he's doing." Archie let out a laugh

"Did you gain a actual non depressing sense of humour somewhere along the line?" I shrugged
"Must be Betty she makes me happy" Archie smiled
"I'm happy for you, for you both your a great guy Jughead I know you don't see it but I do and so does Betty." I nodded

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