Chapter 46: Just friends part 2

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Warning: sexy texting obviously adult language don't read this in public would not recommend
Betty's P.O.V
"Betty?" I herd I looked over at Polly who had a concerned look on her face.
"What? Oh sorry did you say something? I must have zoned out"
"Yeah I've called your name 5 times already, what were you dreaming about" I opened my mouth to say work or something.

"Or is it a who?" Polly asked smirking while brining her glass up to her lips.
"No" I said sharply
"Thou protests too much" Polly answered
"It's nothing really I don't want to talk about it"
"Was he nice, come on Betty give me something we are always talking about my love life." I sighed
"It's something, we are keeping it casual though I won't be bringing him home anytime soon, and yes he's nice very nice actually."

"I'm glad" Polly said
"So how is Jason?" Polly sighed
"Away on business as usual"
"I'm sorry Poll"
"I just never see him anymore we fought our parents so long to be together and now I don't even see him."
"Hey he loves you, he's only ever loved you" Polly nodded
"I know, and I know it's not his fault he has to be away so much"
"Why don't we have a girls night? You me and Veronica we can go out" Polly smiled
"Sounds like a great idea I'm sure Veronica has a list of places to go" I smiled
"If not then something is wrong"
That night

"So Polly was telling me about you and this guy, spill B" Veronica said taking a sip of her drink then signalling the bartender for a refill
"It's not a big deal we are just keeping it casual"
"Is he good in bed?" Polly almost spat out her drink
"Not the image I'd like to see Veronica"
"Sorry Polly but you have to admit Betty has been more cheerful since she got here."
"I can be happy for more then just a guy"
"Yeah but that's a different kind of happy trust me with you there's a difference. Anyway you never answered my question." I felt my face starting to turn red

"Yes he is" Veronica clapped her hands
"Oh finally it's been too long"
"Like I said we are just keeping things causal"
"What's wrong with him then?" Veronica asked
"What?" I responded
"You aren't really the casual relationship type"
"I'm busy right now and so is he" Veronica raised her eyebrow
"Is that all?"
"Yes" I said taking a sip of my drink
"Now can we move on please?" Veronica sighed
"Fine I'll find out soon enough anyway" she turned to Polly
"How's Jason?" Polly just took a shot and slammed down her drink
"I'm guessing away?" Veronica said and Polly nodded
"Noted" Veronica said

Jugheads P.O.V
"Come on Jug tell me who it was"
"Wait what are we talking about?"Kevin asked
"The fact that Jughead had a girl over and didn't tell me"
"I did not" I said
"Oh really then what's this?" Archie asked pointing at my face
"That's my face Archie and didn't anyone tell you it's rude to point" I said putting his hand down
"No your smile, you've been smiling ever since I saw you today"

"What am I not allowed to smile?"
"Yes" Kevin said "or it looks like it you smiling could only mean a small list of things"
"So who is it? Someone in your class?"
"Um sure let's say that" I said wanting to move on
"Is it Sabrina again? Is that why you don't want to tell me?" Archie sighed
"Man I told you move on she's no good for you"
"It's not her" I replied
"Is it Toni?"
"What no! She's dating Cheryl"
"You two have always been close"
"I think of her like a sister!"
"Ok not Toni" Kevin added "what about Ethel? She always had a thing for you and didn't you too have a class last semester"

"Yes!" Archie said pointing at Kevin
"It's not Ethel" I said
"Then who is it?" Archie asked
"How about none of your business" I said getting up to get another drink. This causal relationship thing was getting harder and harder to keep a secret especially when there's Archie breathing down my back. I turned on my phone for the first time tonight to see that I got a few texts from Betty it started out nice.

Out with V and Pol they won't stop pestering me and are convinced I'm seeing someone
I told them it was causal
Then things went in a different direction
Did I ever tell you how soft your hair was? Or is I'm assuming it's still soft I wish I could find out
Or how nice your body is I never expected you to be so fit or to be so skilled with your fingers or your mouth

I let out a slight groan, how do I respond to this? I can't ignore it should I text back and play her little game? Once the bartender set down my drink I decided fuck it and took a swing before responding
I'm in the same boat Archie and Kevin are on my ass can we tell them we are both seeing someone causally to get them off our asses?
That's nothing to you and your golden hair god it looked so good spread out on my bed and if we are talking about bodies then you were hiding yours from me for years under those sweaters
Your mouth was also a surprise my dick is twitching thinking about it been wrapped around your mouth
I smirked two can play at that game Copper I thought before walking back with my drink
"Don't you seem proud?" Archie said noticing my slight strut back to the table I forgot I was supposed to be upset at him.
"What?" I asked sitting down and facing Kevin
"How's your love life Kevin"

"Oh no Jones we are not changing topics here"
"Yeah Jug what the hell was that?" I shrugged
"Were you texting your mystery girl?" Archie asked
"Maybe" I said with a smirk then took a drink I herd my phone go off but decided to ignore it leaving twice in 5 minutes would look weird.
"What was that?" Archie asked
"Is that your phone, did she text you back?" Kevin asked
"She did look at what she said" I looked at my phone and my eyes almost popped out of my head
Say whatever you need to get them to stop talking about it although I doubt that day will come and if you think my body is good then you should see what I'm wearing tonight

Below was a picture of Betty in a low cut black dress something that was definitely taken from Veronica's closet it has V written all over it she had a pair of black heels to match and was biting her lip which had on dark lipstick with her hair straightened before I could think about crossing a lime I responded
If your not in my bed tonight guess I'll have to get off to this picture of you god your so fucking sexy I'm trying to hard not to get turned on in front of Archie and Kevin but your making this so difficult

I hit send before I could second guess myself and when I saw the blue send bar something clicked
Oh fuck no no I crossed a line I don't know where but it's crossed she's going to think all I think of is sex and only view her as a sexual object quick tell her to forget that , your drunk and aren't think properly
Before she could respond I typed
Oh my god I'm so sorry if I crossed a line I'm drunk right now and just forget everything I said I threw my phone onto the table and groaned

"You ok?" Archie asked in a serious tone for the first time tonight
"No I think I crossed a line"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm keeping things casual with this girl but I don't want her to think that all I think about is sex or all I view her as is a sexual object" both Kevin and Archie laughed
"What's so funny?" I asked
"The idea of someone thinking that all you care about is sex" Archie said
"I'm pretty sure in school we all had a bet about how long you would remain a virgin" Kevin replied

"Yeah that bet ended when I saw Sasha leaving our room one morning in freshmen year"
"Yeah and you would shut up about it for 2 weeks" I responded
"Because I won the bet, Reggie had to fork over 50 bucks alone thanks for that. We both got something out of that day"
"Oh god" I said putting my head down on the table and Kevin put his hand over his face to keep from laughing. My phone went off again and before Kevin or Archie could look I swiped it and looked
Wonderful I'll keep telling them about my mysterious lover then we should keep them on their toes
Definitely no lines crossed Jughead although I was surprised you must have liked the picture then more then you know I thought
Care to repay the favour? I smiled them sat up

"I'll be right back" I said getting out of my seat
"Where are you going now?" Kevin asked
"The bathroom" I responded
"But I still have questions!" Archie said but I was too far away for me not to shout across the bar so I just ignored him.
*chugs glass of water* for my thirsty ass self

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