Mute //1//

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Laurens POV:

"LAFAYETTE" Mulligan one of my best friends yelled as he banged his fists on the table. Laf jumped off a table, everyone's full attention on him. He landed in a crouch and began rapping and throwing his hands each and every way. The class seemed to join in, but of course none of them knew how to rap so they just danced.

The class room was pretty loud until the door creaked open. Lafayette continued to yell his rap "AND IM NEVER GONNA STOP UNTIL I MAKE EM DROP..- burn em up..fuc-" Washington eyed Lafayette, who was standing in a table now. "What is the meaning of this?!" He said calmly but enough to scare laf down. I chuckled.

"We have a new student, BEHAVE, yourself." New student? Great, another person to mock me because of my sexuality. I let out a faint sigh as I lower my head down ignoring everyone now. The boy- OR GIRL. Still hasn't came in yet. Washington let me take my time so I guess it's the same with them

Washington's POV:
I let out a faint sigh before walking back out of the class and eyeing the small boy. "Son, are you coming in?" I didn't wanna frighten him. He gave a quick nod before gripping his note book. I nodded back and walked in holding the door for him.

He shuffled infront of me and looked up at the classroom shily. "..he's so small." I mumbled to myself before patting his back, my heavy hand must have pushed him because he almost fell. "Class, this is Alexander Hamilton." He turned around and looked at me before quickly taking a seat against the wall away  from everyone.

I started my lesson...
Soon into my lesson I noticed John Laurens was staring at the new boy. I raised a brow and stared back. He didn't notice, everyone else did. "And...the founding father on the ten dollar bill is?" A couple of student raised their hands but I have them a look of 'put your damn hand down'
"John Laurens?"

Laurens POV:

I can't help but to get lost in his dark brown eyes, the inner part like Carmel. He's beautiful. And so small..and fragile. Great now I sound creepy. I smiled slightly  at the boy as he rested his head on his fist which was against the desk, he's ador-

" John Laurens!"

I flailed and fell backwards out of my desk chair. "W-what-" I grabbed onto my desk trying to get up but it tumbled down on top of me, hitting me straight in the middle of my stomach. Everyone was laughing at me and pointing up until that point. I let out a slight gasp before holding my stomach and knocking unconscious from shock.

Lafayette's POV:

"MON AMI!" I stood up and rushed over pulling the  desk off of him and crouching down. Mulligan came over too to help his friend. Mr. Washington quickly sped walked over in a panic, you could tell he didn't know what to do. Mulligan rolled his eyes at out teacher and  quickly picked up Laurens cradling him in his big comfortable arms.

Mulligan might as well of pushed Washington out of his way. I rushed up infront of them in a slight panic pushing the door open. From there Washington, Mulligan, and I made our way down the hall rushing to the nurses room.

                         Time skip?
                     • • • • • • • • • • •

"Honestly Tom. I don't see your problem with the new guy, I'm pretty sure he hasn't even said anything that I'm aware of." I said before taking my backpack out and shutting the locker. Thomas standing behind the door that was open. "He's annoying me. I DONT KNOW WHY?!" He said almost in confusion slamming his fist on my locker. "Hey! Watch it mon ami, that's not yours!" I growled at him.

Before Thomas had the chance to respond, his 'friend' James Madison, I rolled my eye at the thought and turned the other way. I pulled my hood on over my hair that's pulled back into a messy pony tail. Listening carefully to the people in the halls.

"Have you seen the new boy?"

"I heard he's a faggot who can't speak"


''And what about his size."

"Matter o' fact, I haven't even heard him say anything so far"

"I heard his mothers a whore"

He wasn't that bad was he..? I mean everyone calls me names like that but he's just a new-

My train of thought was cut off by Charles Lee's jack ass voice. "THATS RIGHT STAY DOWN FAG!" My head snapped over to the direction if his voice. I saw the young boy everyone's been gossiping about in the halls and in class, curled up on the ground. Charles Lee, Thomas Conway, and last but not least Thomas Paine, do you say..leader..? Of the group.

Paine hauled off and kicked the boy on the ground in his stomach, full force. He spat out blood and coughed a bit, that's how I knew they had been beating him up pretty badly already. My heart started to pump really quickly before I rushed over and pushed Charles backwards, he had been leaning down and repeatedly hitting him in the face.

"Ahh Lafayette, come to help me beat this faggot sense  less?"


I yelled and leaned down wrapping my arms around the small boys figure and picking him up, facing the three boys. "If I ever catch you with your hands on this boy ever again, I will hurt you." The boys growled slightly staring at me before Conway spoke up. "Ain't like we was gonna kill him, you baguette." He crossed his arms, I could hear the slight touch of fear in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and turned down the hall way with the boy in my hands. I could feel him grip my shirt hugging into the fabric like it was the softest materiel he's ever felt. I smiled softly before walking towards the dorms, Hercules is gonna be so excited, he loves to play doctor. And this boys poor clothes are tattered and torn, I'm sure Herc will be excited to sew him a new outfit too. Without noticing I had already made it to my dorm.

Fuck my keys

"HERCULES?" I kicked the door with my foot softly, enough to get the attention of my roommate. I could hear shuffling on the other side of the door before the door knob wiggled and the door creaked open. "Lafayette-- woah.." "woah is correct." I stated before walking past Hercules and into our door. Laurens was sitting on the couch watching the little mermaid with his turtle plus his clutching in his hand.

I walked over and laid the boy across the couch. He went limp for a second before curling up into a ball, wincing at the pain. "Holy fuck!" Laurens jumped up looking down at the small boy.

His hair was a mess. He had a black eye and bruises all over his body, I couldn't really tell the damage that was caused until he took off his over sized hoodie I'm sure he wouldn't and I'm not going to force him. "He's, how you say, fucking adorable" I mumbled looking over at my friends. "Laf your gay is showing" Hercules chuckled. "Hell, mines trying" Laurens mumbled which made me and Herc burst out in laughter .

The laughs died down after a second. Laurens whipped a tear away from laughing and managed to choke out "Ok O-okay! I'm going back to my dorm!" He laughed and rubbed my shoulder. "Bye turtle boi" I smiled "Bye Gay wads" he replied before shutting the door.

I turned over to Hercules and walked over resting my head in his shoulder. "I feel like shit" i mumbled into his shoulder. He rubbed circles into my back before picking me up and laying me on my bed covering me up. Herc also grabbed a blanket and threw it over the small boy before going back into his room and crawling under his blankets. I could feel myself falling to sleep.

1356 word count- no ones gonna read this book butt I'm still gonna keep writing c:

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