Madison //11//

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"Caribbean? " Lafayette raised a brow. "Wasn't that place destroyed a long time ago?" Hercules added. "Hurricane? I heard it whipped everyone out?" John said, the three boys looking at him.

Alexander's hand started to shake as he stood up. "G-guys I gotta go somewhere, I'll be back.." He managed to choke out before shuffling over to the door and stepping out, closing it quickly.

Alex let out a squeak before darting down the hallway, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

He ran and ran until he found himself on James Madison's front yard broken down on his knees crying. It was cold but he didn't care.

Everyone of his friends knew. That place had ruined his life. He's a freak, and even his friends know that now. They're probably all talking about him.

Alex cried as horrible thoughts ran through his mind. He held his head and cried into the snow.

James yawned and stood up, walking to the kitchen to grab a soda. He looked up out the window and saw someone collapsed onto the snow, shaking , and holding their head. He couldn't tell who it was. James sighed and sat down the soda walking outside.

He kneeled down and placed a hand in the strangers back. They flinched back but calmed down refusing to look. "Excuse me, I'm sorry you're upset but could you please leave before I have to escort you out mys-"

James stopped himself as the boy slowly raised his head looking at him with red puffy eyes, and tear streams going down his face, the boy had bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in forever.

"Hey...aren't you Tommys roommate, Alex, was it?" James raised a brow. He boy gave a weak nod. "You can stay here if you'd like?" He smiled and helped the boy up, walking him to the door and inside. Alex rubbed his eyes and looked around. "W-wow.." he mumbled and shuffled his feet.

"Just take your shoes off, are you hungry? Want coffee? Maybe a drink?" James asked kinda eagerly. "I- a drink would be nice.." Alex mumbled as he took off his shoes, sitting them side by side where some other shoes were laying.

James walked over to where Alex was with two bottles of vodka. Damn was his family rich. "Come on Spamilton lets go up to my room you can sleep there if you'd like, I have a pull out couch.

James quickly ran upstairs with the vodka bottles. Alex chased after him giggling a bit. James eventually stopped at a door that said "no punk ass bitches allowed" James pushed through the door and let Alex in.

James had a big room, and a two doors on the sides of it. Bathroom, maybe a closet. He had a giant bed and two drawers that sat on each side of them. He had a desk with a computer on it, and a tv that hung on the wall. There was also a galaxy couch, I guess it was the one James had been talking about.

"Jesus Christ" Alex looked around. "It's not much but you can chill with me until you feel better. James shut the door and sat on his bed inviting Alex over.

James slid over a vodka bottle to Alex. He smiled and took it, spinning the bottle cap off. "Alright, this is a challenge. Whoever can chug the most and the longest wins." James twisted his cap off.

"I'm gonna warn you, I'm a heavy drinker." Alex giggled and sat in front
him of James on his bed I dont believe that-" James chuckled and held the opened vodka bottle up, clashing it with Alexander. "1..." James whispered "2..." Alex added "3" the boys said at the same time while throwing their head back, vodka spilling down their throats

It burned like hell but tastes amazing. The boys stayed like that for a while before James pulled the bottle away and coughed a bit. Alex sat his bottle down and laughed, he'd downed half of it.

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