Storm //16//-

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Alex and Madison became great friends over the past couple months. They spent most of their time together, getting high and talking about stupid shit.

Alex and John have just been getting closer and closer, falling madly in love.


"Class dismissed, make sure you get your essay done by the end of the week!" Washington sighed watching all of his student flood out of the class. Other then Alex, he's always the last in and the last one out.

He walked up to Washington's desk and handed over a huge stack of papers.

"Hamilton you do realize the essay only needed 5 pages, yes?"

"Yes sir.." he looked away.
"Smartest kid in this classroom, go ahead and get home Hamilton I heard there's going to be a storm later on tonight and I don't think you want to get caught in."  

Alex coughed for a moment feeling  a lump in my throat. "Y-yes sir..!" Alex gripped his bungee and walked fast out of the classroom. "Storm? Now?!" Alex began running down the hallway listening to the rain splatter again the roof.

"It was just snowing a couple months ago- FuCk you Mother Nature-" Alex cut himself off when a loud clash of thunder boomed through the halls. Alex flung himself under the nearest water fountain.

"It's just a's just a storm..." he repeated in his head, shaking  like he was on drugs.  He stood up and began sprinting down the hall ways again towards the dorms.

He didn't want Washington seeing him cry, wait was he crying? Alex reached up and ran his fingers along his cheeks. Yea he's crying.

Alexander's POV:

I gotta get back to the dorms-  BOOM! The thunder roared making me flinch and run faster.  Eventually he made it to his and Johns dorm. Wait I don't want John to see me this way.. BOOM!
I'll get over it.

I fumbled with the keys finally opening the door and rushing inside and into my room. Which I was never really in I always stay with John so my beds already set. I jump onto my bed and curl into she sheets, crying softly into the pillows trying to drowns the sound the rain.

It hasn't thundered or lightning in a while..maybe it's ok.

I peeked my head through the blanket and looked up at the window. Lightning flashed along with a loud boom of thunder sending me back. I fell off the bed and hit my head again the wall.

"ALEXANDER? ALEXANDER WHERE ARE YOU?!" A voice in the distance yelled, I couldn't move. My legs? I looked down to see a pile of metal and wood piling over them.

"J-JAMES!" I chocked out pushing myself up onto to get a sharp pain in my left leg, making me scream out in pain.

I heard my neighbors screaming for their children, I heard babies crying an children yelling. I heard people dying..

Back to no ones POV:

"Alex?" John raised a brow looking at his boyfriend who was curled up shaking. "Did you fall off your end again babe?" John reached down to pick up Alex but he flinched back looking at him with puffy eyes and red cheeks.

A loud boom a thunder flooded the room, Alex pretty much flung himself at John, wrapping his arms and legs around him. "J-JAMES DONT GO!" He cried into Johns shoulder.

"Who's James Lex?" John rubbed his boyfriends back cradling him gently, John carried Alex into his own room. Alex wouldn't stop crying and calling for James. John couldn't help but to think, did he mean Madison..? Or maybe Reynolds..?

John sat on his bed placing Alex gently into his lap. He whispered nice things in his ears and rubbed circles in his back. John hated to see Alexander having a panic attack, yet here we are.

For every stroke of lightning and boom of thunder Alex buried his face into Johns chest and cried harder. "Hey..hey..calm down.." John frowned and pulled his boyfriend face to face. "J-John -I" John hushed him with a little peck in the lips. "It's alright I'm here now."  The thunder clashed outside and Alex pulled the cover up over him hugging into John.

Soon after John felt Alexanders breathing calm down as his body was limo in his arms. John sighed and laid back hugging hug boyfriend.  "Love you baby boy." He whispered and kissed Alexanders forehead.

"It's ok Jemmy it's just a storm." "I know but I'm scared" Madison clung to Thomas's arm. "Let's just go inside and make mac and cheese?" James could see the excitement inn his eyes, he's usually that way when he talks about things he likes. Thomas opened the door to his dorm that he shared with John and Alex. Letting Madison go in first.

"Ladies first" Thomas smirks at his now flustered boyfriend. He nodded softly before walking though the door. Thomas leaned in and slapped the other boys butt squeezing slightly. (HAVE YOU EVER HAD YOU BUTT SQUEEZED THAT THAT ITS WEIRD ACOID THAT SITUATION)

James squeaked "T-Tommy!" He turned around and crossed his arms. "Awe don't be that way" Thomas chuckled before looking over at Johns room, he heard a whimper. He slowly took a step towards the door and poked his fluffy head on. He saw John and Alex cuddled up to each other, Alex had tear stains in his face tho.

Thomas shut the door and shrugged walking into the kitchen. He wait and waited for the mac and cheese to get done that James was making.

Thomas frowned and walked up behind James wrapping his arms around the other boys waist. He pushed himself up on James' backside. "T-Thomas! I'm cooking  for you, show some respect for the Chief"

"Love youu" Thomas whispered in Madison's ear. James sighed and turned around facing his boyfriend. He pecked his lips softly nuzzling  his cheek.

"Love you too idiot"

Yea Jeffmads, I'm building their relationship up for a reason that you'll never know until I post ;)

also I still have no internet.

And am I not posting enough?

Writers block kinda?

Love y'all- and I'll see you when I see you

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