Snoooww //9//

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Warning- there's a lot of cussing

"JOHN JOHN OH MY FUCK!" Alex screamed and faces back and forth in front of the bed. "JESUS FUCK-" Alex screamed again and ran threw the house. He had a giant coat on and long fluffy pajama pants with little clip art pencils on them.

"JOHNN!" Alex whined and looked down at the giant pile of- um, white stuff? He didn't know what it was but it burnt his hands in a..cold way? Alex didn't like it. What the fuck is it. Alex thought and kept his distance.  He threw his hands in the air and ran back into his and Johns room.

"gAh fuck you Johnny boy!" He whined and ran across the room to Jeffersons
room. As much as he didn't want to. He ran up and jumped onto Jefferson. "WILL YOU WAKE UP-" Alex yelled before getting cut off. Jefferson pushed Alex over and made him fall straight off the bed with a loud thud.

"WHAT THE FUCK SPAMILTON-!"  Jefferson shot up and stared at the boy on the floor. Alex quickly got up and stomped his foot. "ALIENS- THERE WAS ALIENS AT OUT DORM." Alex threw his hands up once again. "Let me sleep is don't wanna hear your shit." Jefferson groaned and pulled the covers over his fluffy hair.

"JEFFERSON- never mind.." Alex frowned and walked back into Johns room. He crossed his arms.  "John-" he crawled up onto the bed and onto his boyfriend. His legs parted and on each side of him. "John" Alex said again and gripped his cheeks, turning his head side to side.

John opened his eyes slowly and looked at the boy ontop of him. "JOHN-" his eyes widened as Alex screamed at him and began to  ramble about aliens in our living room.  John pushed  Alex off of him carefully and stood up. He stretched and yawned.

"Okay okay Alex I'm gonna go check it out." "ITS COLD!" He whined and watched as John went to investigate the scene. Alex waited and waited for what felt like hours, but it really was like a minute.

To Alexanders  surprise John came back laughing his ass off. He held his stomach. "ALEX ITS JUST SNOW" he wheezed and tumbled into the bed and looked up at Alex his laughing calming down. "You're silly." John smiled. Alex was just confused. He stood up and zipped his oversized coat on. "Eh..?" Johns eyes widened and his smile grew while he scrambled to get his phone.

"You've never heard of snow?" He giggled, Alex just shook his head. "I'm really fuckin cold John.." he whined. John just laughed at Alex and brought up messenger to his group chat.


Angel-iCAA: john if it's about your pet turtle dabbing WE DONT CARE


Gaybaguette: Mon cheir how many times have I got to tell you. There's no need to caps to get your point out

Elizzard: let Herc be he's special

AndPEGGY: ^^^^

Turtleboi: gUys tHIS IS IMPORTANT

MariaReyNOlds: what is it John


Elizzard: really wth

GayBaguette: we'll be there mon ami calm down you're starting to sound like hot pants

Hotpants: wow fuck you Laf

Gaybaguette: you wish

Elizzard: eWWW

Gaybaguette: be quiet Lizard, we  all know you and Maria get it on  all night

MariaReynNOlds: Why- i'd never I-

Turtleboi: will you guys just COMe OnN

MariaReyNolds: can't I got something to do

Angel-iCCa: alright we're coming  dont get your turtle themed panties in a bunch


...I'm not coming fuck you turtle boi

John chuckled and sat down his phone.  "Alex, everyone's coming over, get dressed in something warm." Alex only nodded and scurried off. John got up and shuffled over to Jeffersons bedroom knocking. "MY FRIENDS ARE COMINGG OVEER OKAY? OK" John spun on his heel and walked away.

After the incident with John and Maria, the became friends, and she joined their little group thing. (Just thought I should say that if you were confused) John really didn't mind..but he didn't trust her either.

Soon Alex walked out of Johns room with giant sweat pants on, but it looks like he's wearing at least 3 pairs of pants. He had a little scarf on and his winter coat. Along with a gray beanie. "I-I'm still frozen.." he whined and walked over to sit on the couch. He stayed on his knees staring at the snow that flew in from the open window.

Alex quickly got up and rushed over to the window, but was stopped by a glass shard that cut into his foot. Alex yelped and fell backwards, no on the glass. "fUckK" he cried out, John rushed over and picked up Alex sitting him on the couch. "Holy shit are you ok?" John frowned as Alex whined in pain. He looked at Alexanders foot which was bleeding but not too bad, the glass had fallen out thank god.

John rubbed Alexanders hand before standing up and leaving. Soon he came back with a wet rag and some bandages. John kneeled down at the couch. "so this might hurt?" John chuckled before using the rag to while the blood away. He pressed down on the little wound in Alex's foot. "HEY- AH OW JOHNN" He felt bad for his boyfriend but continued. Applying pressure usually makes the wound stop bleeding. (If in wrong please correct me) "F-FUCK ME" Alex whined.

Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica. And Peggy stood at the door. Laf went to knock on the door but stopped when he heard his friend yell.

"HEY- AH OW JOHNN" Lafayette's eyes widened as he moved his fist away from the door looking back at Hercules, red faced. "F-FUCK ME" Alex yelled from the other side of the door. "M-maybe we should give them alone tim-" "WHAT THE FUCK!" Angelica yelled.

John looked at Alexanders who's foots already wrapped up. "I'll get it" he laughed and walked over to the door unlocking and opening it for his friends. Hercules, Lafayette, and Peggy are all flushed completely. For some reason..

Angelica just looks angry. "M-mon ami, how do you clean up so well.." he ppointed down at my- Wtf Laf. "YOU DONT JUST INVITE US OVER TO HEAR YOU FUCK ALEX" Angelica crossed his arms. I felt the heat rush up into my face. "W-what- we wasn't" Johns eyes widened as he opened his door, pointing at Alex, who's laying on the couch. They all had a moment of "ohhh.." John just shook his head.

"You guys are idiots"

I had something to say but just forgot-

Word count: 1130

Im so tired and weak I might just go ahead and sleep-

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