Burr //6//

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Alexander whined and rolled over only to be face to face with Burr. He shrieked and held his hands up to block what he thought was going to be a hit. "Babe?" Burr opened his eyes and pulled Alex's hands away from his face. Alex whined and looked at him with tears in his eyes. Burr leaned close and kissed Alexanders head. Alex cringed and got up walking over to his closet and grabbing a dark blue hoodie, the front said "Non-Stop" slipping it on. "I'm going to class Aaron.." Alex mumbled and changed his pants and walking out of the door. He didn't care for food, after all e hasn't ate in a couple days, he just made him a cup of coffee and left the dorm.

Alex sipped his coffee, loving the burning feeling that ran down his throat as he did so. He smiled thinking about his new friends that he had made walking to his locker. He put in the combination '1782' That's funny, that's Johns dorm number.

Alex giggled and put his bag up, he wouldn't need it today, the classes were watching movies all day due to winter break approaching.  He sipped his coffee, shut his locker and made his way to class. That's when he was stoped by Charles Lee, his bully. "Don't think that because your boyfriend helped you last time we had our little meeting, that he'll be there next time. Charles pushed Alex back making him trip and spill his coffee on the ground. 

He hit the ground with a yelp scrambling to get up. "Oh and I heard that Burrs a little rough with you, don't want that to leek out into the school do you?" Charles smirked and gripped Alexanders chin making the small man face him. "N..no" Charles raised a brow "I didn't think you could talk" he leaned in and pecked Alexanders  lips before pushing him against the coffee spill, soaking his back.

Alex groaned and tried to get it off but failed, he threw his empty cup away and walked into his class room. Alex was always the one to come in first. Washington looked at Alex before signaling for him to come over, so he did. "Son is everything alright?" He leaned against the back of his chair. Alex stayed silent. "It's alright, I'm just worried for you." He smiled. Alex stayed silent. "Is Aaron Burr hitting you,  son?" "Don't call me son" Alexander snapped quietly. "I'm just worried, there's no need to get smart with me." Washington stood up and leaned down face to face with Alex. "You can tell me son.." Alex felt the anger bubble in his stomach. "Call me son one more time." He mumbled.

Gorge raised a brow. "Excuse me?" "CALL ME SON MORE TIME." He restated and turned away with a swift spin on the heel, walking to his seat in the side of the room against the wall. He watched the class flood In. Just waiting for John if he is to be honest. There he is my freckled little turtle. Alex though and smiled. John rushed over and sat beside Alex smiling at him. "Hey Alex" "hey Turtleboi" Alex chuckled. "Oh dude you won't I've what happened after you left. There was this girl in a red dress, she came up to my dorm and started singing. It confused me but I just went with it." John explained.

"And?" Alex giggled, interested in Johns story. "And she lead me to my bed let her legs spread and asked me to do the dirty." John cringed, Alex blushed and turned his head away. "A-and?" He mumbled. "I just told her I'm  gay and she left in a flash." The two laughed for a bit before Gorge asked the class to quiet down. Alex laid his head down, he knew they was watching movies, he wasn't interested.

Gorge walked over and turned the lights off, keeping his little lamp on. "Since we don't really have any movies, we'll watch Disney Moana, anyone want different?" He glances over the classroom and nodded before turning the movie on the Elmo. (is that's just an American thing?)

John leaned against Alex who had his head down, he ran his fingers through the boys hair and just played with it. "Hey Lex?" "Lex?" He turned his head and looked at John. "D-do you care if I call you that-?" He smiled nervously. "Call me what you want" he chucked. "Alright- well- me Hercules, and Lafayette are going to the indoor swimming pool down the road, you wanna come?" John asked still messing with the boys hair. Alexander's heart skipped a beat looking up at his friend.

"I uh- yea but- yea I'll join.." Johns eyes lit up and he hugged Alex. "Cool I'll come get you from your dorm after school-" "C-can't I just walk with you after school, I don't like me dorm mate that well.." Alex cut him off, looking away. "Who's your dorm mate?" John leaned against the back of his chair. "M-my boyfriend.." he refused to make eye contact with his friend, after all he did just tell his crush that he had a boyfriend. "Oh.." Johns face dropped.

"Hamilton." Washington stood up and walked over to me and Johns desk. "Can we speak outside?" He raised a brow. "Don't call me that." He mumbled and got up walking out of the classroom with Washington. "Son-" "please, don't call me that." He crossed his arms shyly. "Alright Alex, we need to talk about Aaron Burr." Washington said, before he could finish Alex took a step back and turned his head away from Washington.

"There's nothing to talk about Sir.."
"Alexander" Washington took a step towards him. "D-don't-" Alex turned and sprinted down the hallway. "SON-" he rolled his eyes and ran after him. Washington eventually caught up with him, since he's way taller. He grabbed the boys arm. Alex winced and pulled his arm away falling back on the ground. "OW- WHAT THE FUCK-" (cuts in stuff ya know) Washington looked down at Alex and frowned, he picked the boy up. "Please just talk to me I want I help and I won't tell anyone." 

Alex whined and  clung to his teacher, just giving up on fighting back. Washington rubbed Alexanders back before walking him to the nurses office. Washington sat him down on a bed. (hospital?) "Um- what are they planning to do, I-I'm fine.." Washington pats Hamiltons head. "They're just gonna check you."

"Does this school do 3 person dorms..?" Alex looked up a Washington with an unamused face. "Well..yes if you could find someone who will let you dorm with-" "Great, and I'll get them to help me break with Burr and I'll dorm with them." Alex cut him off and climbed off the bed only to be stopped by Washington. "Son-" " don't call me son" Alex giggled and walked past him out of the office.

He turned the corner, when just in a blink of his eye he was on the ground rubbing his arm. "H-hey Burr" he looked up at the tall man towering over him. "Babe are you trying to change dorms?" He leaned down and grabbed Alex by his shirt pulling him face to face. "N-no I'm- just..y-yea I am.." he turned his head away from Burr.

Burr shook his head and slapped Alexander. Alex yelped quietly and held his face tears streamed down his face. Burr smiled and picked him up, wrapping the small boys legs around his waist. "You'll be ok baby" Washington walked out of the nurses office. "Aaron-" he cut himself off and listened to  Alex's quiet whimpers.

"I've had about enough of you" Washington added and walked up to him. "I only found him this way, he was here on the floor, am I not allowed to take care of my boyfriend?" Burr smirked and rubbed Alexanders back. He squirmed a bit but relaxed in the mans arms. "Sit the boy down this is school grounds not a place for you to have your hands all over another student" Washington demanded. "And yes I am changing his dorm." Burrs growled and sat down Hamilton. "I'm getting a new dorm mate anyway" he crossed his arms and turned, walking away.


Idk what this chapter is? I'm not happy with it but there ya go

Tell me if you think I should delete it

Word count: 1409

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