Comlicated //18//

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John sighed and rubbed his eyes taking a sip from his coffee. He leaned over the bar stool and rubbed the top of his turtles head. "Whys things so complicated Tammy..?"  The turtle looked up at John with big eyes before crawling frack into its cave.

John pushed his eyebrows together and whined. "Don't leave meee you're the only one I have left"- John frowned and got up, making his way to the door. He pulled out his phone real quick and opened Frenchfry

Turtle: do you care if I come over?

Frenchfry: come on over my friend

Turtle: Thanks Laf

John out his phone in his pocket and gripped the door handle. He pulled the door open and gasped. "Alexander?!" John bent down and placed his hand in his boyfriends cheek, ice cold. John shook his head and let tears fall down his cheeks.

John he cheated on you

He told himself and slammed the door rushing down the hallway. He didn't care if Alex woke up he wanted to go to Laf and Herc.


Alex woke up with a horrible head ache, he could barley even stand, he felt numb from staying a night in the cold hallway.

He got up and walked back to Madison, weak he took about 20 mins until he finally reached the latter in his back yard.

Alex sigh not wanting to climb it but he had no choice, one more night of staying in the cold-he can't take it.

Alex began climbing quickly up the latter, he hated heights. Alex tumbled into Madison's window laying in his floor, still holding his lion.?

"My boyfriend hates me" he threw his hands up and clashed them against the ground in defeat. James poked his head out from under the covers and looked down at Alex. "Why?" He asked innocently.

"Because he thinks I cheated on him with you.." James blinked not knowing what to say, instead of talking he propped himself up against the back of the bed.

Alex whipped a single tear that had escaped his eyes and crawled under the covers with James, snuggling into his best friends side.

"It's not fair-" Alex pushed his face against James' side and began crying harder. James just rubbed his shoulder and shushed him.

Sooner or later he knew that Alex was asleep and pulled out his phone, he took a picture of him and Alex, Alex cuddled to his side with red puffy cheeks and tear stains.

He pulled up a Laurens

Sicko: Sicko [has sent a photo attachment]

Sicko: he cried himself to seek over you.

Laurens: what did you do to him?

Sicko: only trying to make him feel better, John he needs you.

Laurens: bullshit

Sicko: you know where I live from our last study session right?

Laurens: What's your point Maddison

Sicko: meet me in my room, just take the latter it back?

Laurens: and what if I don't?

Sicko: I stay with Alex and help him get through this, leaving you without him? Of course I'll have tommy

Laurens: I'll be there in a bit

James sat up and pushed Alex off of him gently before walking over and pulling out his galaxy couch. He made the couch-bed neatly and waited in John patiently.

Knock knock knock

James looked up at his window to see John struggling to keep his balance when e pushed open the window and climbed in.

"What do you want now that I'm here-" John cut himself off looking over at Alex who laid curled into a ball, fresh tears still staining his face. John looked over at James with anger/fear/ and concern all in one.

"Who do you think Alex cheated on you with?" James sat up lazily walking towards John. "" He looked down at his shoes refusing to make eye contact. 

"I assure you I already have a boyfriend"

John frowned and looked at his, his, Alexander who slept soundly cuddled into the blankets. "He's all yours,com going over to Thomas's place" James turned on his heel and walked out of his own room leaving his two gay ad friends in his room. Great

John crawled into bed behind Alexander. He snaked his arms around the boys waist, earning a slight groan. "James we have boyfriends.." Alex whined and turned around to face what he thought was James, but ended up to be his beloved John.

"JOHN!" Alex cried out and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "I missed oh so much" Alex snuffled and connected their lips.

John smiled against his boyfriends lisp and pulled away to snuggle. "You suck for listening to lee" Alex giggled.


James walked through the hallways rubbing his shoulders. "Seasons suck" he  growled quietly and began walked faster to Toms room.

James inhaled and exhaled before actually knocking on the door. James heard shuffling on the other side of the door.

Thomas opened up the door, he was shirtless and sweatpants hung on his waist, his v line showing.

James blushed and looked up at him, only to see Charles Lee in the back m with his phone out. "Oh! Jemmy!" Thomas said nervously and shut the door behind him.

"What's he doing here?" James crossed his arms. "Just discussing work babe" Thomas laughed silently and picked up James, who seemed mad but he didn't pay attention to it.

"Tommy he accused me of cheating" James frowned and laid his head against Thomas' shoulder. "It's business I have to" Thomas frowned and opened his door walking back into his room.

"Charles out." Lee looked up at Thomas and his small boyfriend. "I ain't doing no harm?" He crossed his legs and looked back down at his phone.

"You have and now I'm standing here telling you to leave" Thomas walked over and sat on the couch I front of Lee with Madison on his lap. Lee rolled his eyes and walked out slamming the door behind him shut.

"Please stop talking to him"

Hey if you have a schedule that I should go by tell me

*not happy with this chapter but posted it anyway*

Word count: 1027

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