Winter //10//

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Alexander's POV:

I watched as Laurens went to the door to answer it and grabbed my phone off the coffee table.

Whatisleep: hey Eliza? I'm freezing can you come over with hot chocolate John doesn't have any.

Elizzard: Oh course Alex, but it's not near as cold as last winter

Whatissleep: IT. GETS. COLDER?

Elizzard: every year, shouldn't you be used to that?

Whatissleep: No I'm from
The Caribbean 


Whatissleep: oh um- I- I'm from- gdi..


Whatisleep: Eliza please don't- I'll do anything don't tell anyone

Elizzard: why it's just a place?
(Just ignore all that lmao ^^^)

Wait anything?

Oh.." Angelica mentally facepalmed and walked past John and beside Alex who was on his phone, ignoring the snow. "You look like you just crawled out of hell." Alex just nodded and gave a soft giggle sitting up.

Lafayette, Hercules, and Peggy walked inside, John soon following behind. "Um, im sorry to tell you mom ami but..your dorms  full of snow.." Laf pointed.

John laughed a bit and patted his friends shoulder. "We know, but now to the important  details. We need to take Alex sledding." John exclaimed. Hercules narrowed his eyebrows and nodded bawling up his fist. "ALEX LETS GO" He chuckled and rushed over to grave the boys shoes. He walked over and slipped them on, being careful  with his bandaged foot.

"H-Herc- where are we going?" Alex raises a brow.

"TO HAVE A SHIT TON OF FUN" Hercules picked up Alex and ran out the door. "Did that just-" Angelica stood up. "Yes it happened. He's officially stole my boyfriend"

Angelica heart broke when she heard John say that. She felt prickles in the corners of her eyes and a feeling in her chest she's never felt before. She watched as Laf and Hercules jumped all over John with questions and excitement.

"B-boyfriend?" Angelica managed to choke out. "Oh-uh yea" John stuttered without making eye contact. "HEY GUYS I FOUND ELIZA-" Hercules walked in with Alex still over his shoulder and Eliza by his side Angelica turned and rushed out the door without another word.

"Did I miss something?" Herc raised a brow. "No- nah mom cheir Angelica seems to be upset tho." "LoOk guys were  waiting let's go outsideee" Eliza whined, Alex kicked his leg gently against Herc.

"Yea alright lets go" John mumbles as him and Laf walk out following Herc. Eliza threw the boxes of hot chocolate down and running after the group.

They all made it outside, Hercules finally let Alex down, into a giant pile of snow. Alex shrieked and jumped out of the pile. "HERCUL-" Alex was cut off by a ball of what they call snow around here. Alex licked the snow off his lips and whipped his face. He looked at Lafayette who had thrown the ball of snow at him.

"You're gonna get it!" Alex jumped out of the snow pile startling Laf. "BAISe BAISE BAISE!" Laf cussed in French and ran away for Alex. Surprisingly from his height he caught up with Laf and tackled him. "FIGHT ME LAF" Alex yelled in a playful way and piled a bunch of snow onto lads face. "NOT COOL NOT COOL!" Laf wiggles out from under Alex and pushed him back into the snow.

He got up and ran while looking back into to run into Hercules, knocking the two of them back, Lafayette on top of Hercules. "Well hello there!" Herucles chuckles and grabbed Lafs butt squeezing gently. Laf squeaked and hopped off of him throwing snow at him. John laughed and looked at them bicker and laugh. Just enough of a distraction for Eliza to throw a snow ball at John.

Alex smirked, Eliza looked over at Alex and nodded. They had been making a master plan behind everyone's back towards john. John wa rubbing snow off his face when he felt a small figure rush him and knock him back on his back into a pile of snow. "DO IT ELIZA!" Alex yelled. Eliza ran around John and pushed a huge pile of snow onto of him, while Alex was holding John down. "GUYS!" John yelled and squirmed.

Alex soon got off his boyfriend and ran back to Lafayette, tackling him. Hercules laughed and laughed until he wheezed. Something about watching Laf get tackled killed him.

John got up and whooped his face off, onto to see Eliza snorting at laughing at him. John got up and threw a snow ball at her. "COME ON JOHN WHERES YOUR CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!!" (Remember that line)
"MON AMI MON AMI PLEASE!" Laf laughed and pushed Alex off of him and into the snow. Alex just laid there and looked up at the snow falling from the sky.

John and Eliza eventually came back from running. Lafayette laid on one side of Alex and John on the other, Eliza was beside John and Hercules was beside Lafayette.

"It's really pretty." Alex giggled and slip his hand into Johns. However, Alexanders hand was shaking which worried John. "Alex, are you ok?" He looked over at him, making everyone look. "I'm fine, my hand just burns?" he said, but it sounded more like a question not an answer.

"Frost bite" Eliza sat up. "Maybe we should go in" Hercules suggested. "Yea" Laf nodded. The five of them got up and made their way back to Johns dorm. Hercules ended up carrying Alex tho because his feet was frost bit and Herc was the strongest.

John rushed up and opened his door letting his friend in. He noticed the window was fixed and the snow was clean. Someone must have told Washington. Hercules, Laf, Alex, and Eliza spread themselves out on two separate couches that say side by side

Peggy walked out of the kitchen with 6 cups of hot chocolate sitting it Infront of us. "AYE THANKS PEG" Herc smiled, they all thanked her. John sat down on a couch and so did Peggy. Alex coughed a couple times before sneezing loudly. "F-frozen.." he whined

"I'd say so, the Caribbean never snows."

Alex heart dropped. "LIZARD!" Alex snapped. "Whooops?" Eliza giggled

Um hi I feel bad, I'll probably start posting every Saturday and every Wednesday? Idk I'm tired as hell

Next chapters just gone be fluff

I live for your comments, make sure you leave one <3

Word count: 1075

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