Straight friend //19//

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Aaron sighed and knocked on the door softly. He stood there balancing on his  heels, changing his weight from his tippy toes to his heels. "Damnit Madison" he growled quietly and went to knock again only to be stopped by a man who he assumed as James' father.

Aaron crossed his arms "James inside?" He raised a brow and pushed his hip out, Aaron was a dick. "Yes, James is up in his room with his friends, is there a problem?"

Aaron rolled his eyes and walked past the man and up the stairs, he was quite annoyed by the sound of the creeks in the wood but ignored it. He walked up to a door with a sign that said "no punk ass bitches" on it, he recognized it as Madison's room and opened the door. He didn't care to knock.

Burr walked in and shut the door behind him leaning against it. He blinked and looked around the room. Thomas, John, James, and Alex.. sat on the bed.

Alex eyes widened as he stared at Burr, his hands shaking slightly. Burr stared back seeing the pure horror in their dark Carmel color.

Alex didn't keep his eyes off burr, too scared to say anything. John never really knew much about Alex and Burrs relationship, or why it ended, he just knew it was a thing, ad that burr tried to hurt him in that back ally before Lafayette stopped him.

"Aaron! Come sit" James smiled brightly and waved. Aaron unfolded his arms and walked around the bed. He  sat down in the bed beside Alex. The bed dipped down making Alex fall onto Burr.

Alex's eyes widened as he tried to get up but just fell back into burr again. Burr smirked and placed his finger under Alexanders chin aggressively.

"A-Aaron Burr s-sir!" Alex squeaked. John growled and picked up Alex, sitting him in his lap, which he was doing cross cross.

Thomas raised a brow and leaned against the back of the headboard. "Like i said-" he began but was quickly cut off by Burr. "James, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out but your friend are here" he crossed his arms again.

"They can come." James nodded. "If they'd like" Burr frowned and stood up  walking back to the door and just standing.

Alex dug his face into Johns chest. "Well let's go." Aaron walked out of the door leaving the door on the bed.


"You can't be serious.." Alex stood there and stared up at the sign that said "Sexy bunny" with a wine class in the side in led lights.

"Aaron, you know, were as gay as it gets?" Thomas said, his voice filled with annoyance. James looked over at Burr with a frown "for your straight friend? There's a bar so-" "I'm in." John began walking towards the building.

Alex quickly ran up and walked with him. Thomas growled and followed. "I guess we're in" James shrugged and walked over to the building. Burr nodded and walked with them, he handed nodded at the security guard too, which he let us in.

Aaron led the way into the strip club. Alex latched to Johns arm as they walked in. Women in barley any clothes stripped and danced on the poles. Alex could see the sweat drip off of them.

Alex eyes scanned over the men who were drooling over the wemon, ignoring his friend who were walking over to the bar. He noticed someone who was staring at the strippers. Mr. Washington?

Alex shook his head and turned towards the bar but was stopped by a woman.

He had nothing on. There was these tight panties that went up her butt, and she had little stickers on her breasts. Alex cringed.

"Hello there~" She  leaned into Alexandra chest, running her hand down his jeans only inching closer to his zipper. "Want a dance pretty boy~?" Alex flinched backward and began run/walking toward the bar.

"THIS PLACE IS SICK" Alex walked over and sat on a stool beside John and Thomas. John chuckled and ordered himself and Alex a drink.

Aaron was drooling over the women too, which James noticed and laughed. "Aren't you with Theodosia?" He smirked.

"Yes but we all know I ant loyal" Burr said before walking off and going up to the woman that had came up to Alex earlier.

"This is bullshit, I know everyone here" Thomas rested his head again his pawn and took a drink of his Sam Adams. "don't be a big baby~" James teased and kissed Thomas' cheek.


"FOURS PINTS OF SAM ADAMS BUT IM WORKING ON FIVE!" John yelled and threw his hands up.  Alex watched as his drunken boyfriend danced with Thomas, who was also drunk.

- backstage -

"Fuck-!" Laf turned and picked up his makeup that he had knocked over with his fake cat tail. He sighed and looked in the mirror. He had glittery makeup over his eyes, and wings on his eyes. He stared at himself in the mirror, he had hot pink panties on that showed most of his ass, the front had a little bell on it and cat ears that flipped up over his v line.

Laf tugged on his top which was just a white short crop top with a cat cut out in the middle. There was a tight collar with a bell on it as well. He had white stocking that trailed up his leg and pink little bows on the top.

Laf brushed his hair out of his face and began walking out of the back room and onto the stage. Laf looked around at his audience, looking at some men who were palming themselves through their pants.

Lafayette smirked slightly and walked up to the pole, spinning slowly around it. He giggled and bent his ass against the pile leaning down in the bands face in front of him.

Laf spun around the pole and climbed it slowly, he bent down and laid back spinning around in the air slowly. He almost had a heart attack when he saw Thomas and John laughing and dancing with each other, obviously drink.

Why are they here


I'm sorry this was horrible but I love this chapter so much X"D!

Word count: 1055

I swear I update this every day 👏🏽

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