Worried sick //13//

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Laf knocked on the door slowly waiting for one of his friends to take Alex off of his hands. They had all piled into Johns  dorm for the night waiting for Alex to get back.

Lafayette shook his head and opened the door, lookin at his friends. They were all scattered out in a blanket fort, drinking hot coco and watching Disney movies. "Guys I found Alex, he bites." 

"REALLY?" Hercules got up and rushed over to the door, so did Eliza  and Angelica. "OMG ALEX WE WAS WORRIED SICK WHERE.  WAS. YOU." Angelica yelled. "Angel, he's not happy, try not to give him much attitude.

Peggy walked in avoiding her friends , she crawled into the blanket fort with a sleeping John.

Laf looked down at Alex who had his arms crossed, he  looked down at his shoes. His white sweater had some blood stains on it from where Burr was spitting blood.

"I'm alright guys" Alex mumbled. "Johns asleep in the fort" Eliza blurted out she could see the sadness in his eyes.

Alex nodded and shuffled over to the bathroom. he whispered god knows what and pulled his sleeves up. He looked into the cabinet and pulled out a razor sitting it on the sink. Alex took his bandages off both of his arms and sat them aside. He grabbed the razor and slid them across his wrist making blood seep through the new wounds. He smiled like he 'deserved' the pain.

Alex rubbed a tear away and kept on cutting and cutting up his arms. Burr did this to him. No he was only tante half of it. Alex thought and pulled the razor away from his skin. Putting it back in the cabinet. Alex whined the blood off  his wrists. Not bothering to put his bandages back on.

Alex walked out of the bathroom with his sleeves down, he slams the door shut and walked over to the fort.

he looked down at his boyfriend who was peacefully sleeping. Alex smiled slightly and crawled under the covers with him, curling up and falling asleep.

"What's wrong with Alex?" Hercules whined. "Burr almost-" Laf bit his lip and prepared for what he was going to say, e never liked that word "rape" who made it up. And why is horrible. "raped him-" "WHAT!?" Angelica yelled. "Shhh!" Peggy shushed them from in the fort.

"Y-yea.. I caught him bending Alex over a dumpster in an ally.." Laf looked down at his shoes. "Did you stop him?" Eliza raises a brow. "I punched him.. but.." "but what?" Herc places a hand on lads shoulder, rubbing gently, that usually soothes Lafayette.

"Alex started screaming-" "HE SHOULDA HAVE KILLED HIM" Angelica's face was red with anger. "He almost did- Alex got mad, I've never seen him and- and I don't want to ever again" Laf looked away.

"What'd he do?" Eliza placed a hand on her hip. "He- he starting kicking Burr, really hard- I-I couldn't stop him either- Burr started coughing up blood-"

"He told Burr that 'next time he'll  have him begging to stop' and let go.." Laf finished refusing to look at his friends.

"Geez.." Hercules continued to rub Lafs shoulders. Eliza rubbed her head. "...well we're having a Christmas party..everyone's invited other then Burr." "Sounds great, we'all be there I'm sure." Laf smiled and looked at Hercules. "Can we go home?"  Laf stuck his tongue out. "Promise to stop being so cute and we'll do what we you want princess." Herc kissed Lafs nose before leading him out.

Eliza and Angelica looked at each other exchanging a Lenny face kind of look. "All they do is-" Eliza got cut off by Angie's who covered her ears. "LALALA I DONT WANNA HEAR ABOUT THEIR SEX LIFE LA LA LA. LETS GO PEGGY!" She left.

He yelled woke up Johns and Alex tho.  Eliza and Peggy decided to leave too.

"Alex? Oh my god you scared me!" John wrapped his arms around Alex. "I-I missed you."  Alex buried his head in Johns chest. "Missed you too baby girl." John crawled out of the fort and picked up Alex, carrying him to the bedroom.

John say Alex on the bed and ran his hand through Alexanders hair. "Whet was  you?" John whined. "I spent the night with Madison, but that doesn't matter right now..I just wanna cuddleAlex frowned and leaned up kissing John. John giggle into Alexanders lips and picks him up again carrying him to the front of the bed and laying him down. John crawled into his boyfriend and pulled out of the kiss. Alex looked up at John with innocent eyes before John leaned down and kissed his neck, suckling in some places earning a small moan from the other boy.

"J-John.." he whimpered out. John grabbed Alexanders sweater and began pulling it up off of him. John smirked and leaned down kissing Alexanders belly.

He looked up at Alex who was closing his eyes. John gasped and likens at Alexanders wrists, they were red and inflamed, cuts and scars ran up his arm. "W-why'd you stop..?" Alex managed to say looking down at John. He had pure horror in his eyes before grabbing Alexanders  hand holding  it and  examining his arm.

"O-oh my god..Alex why.." John mumbled tearing up. Alex raised a brow before realizing. He pulled his hands away hiding them behind his back.  "J-John you wasn't supposed  to see that!" Alex cried out and looked at his boyfriend who looked devastated.

"ALEX WHY ARE YOU CUTTING YOURSELF?" John crawled up and grabbed his boyfriends cheeks gently. Alex sobbed quietly  refusing to make eye contact.

"Please...please I'm here for you. Why are you harming yourself..I-I'll do anything, just stop hurting you self!" John cried into Alexanders shoulder. Alex rubbed his boyfriends back. "I-I won't Laurens.." Alex grabbed his sweater and slid it on. John curled under the blankets and rubbed the tears from his eyes. "I won't do it no more I promise.." Alex curled into Johns chest falling to sleep. "Love you John.." Laurens smiled and kissed Alexanders forehead. "Love you too baby girl.."

Woah it's late I should sleep.

There's another chapter for the
people who are reading this trash fan fictions.

Again, are these too short, I can start making hen longer idk?


Word count: 1069

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