Shocking //21//

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"Great yes right there, No! He's freezing I can't do anything with a dead man!"

Lafayette heard, but he couldn't see, how couldn't feel his hands or his toes, but knew he was shaking. He groaned lowly and began opening his eyes, only to be face to face with his friend Alexander Hamilton.

He face was pale, very pale, but thank go he was wearing a hoodie. Lafayette reached out and ran his hand along the hoodie to feel the fabric being thin.

He frowned and opened his eyes all the way. Lafayette propped one of his hands on the hard concrete floor, it was cold as hell. He began pushing himself up, having to use all his strength.

Laf whipped his cheek and leaned back against whatever's behind him, he came back to all of his senses and looked around.

Okay so there's bars, jail bars? Yes and there surrounding us, is this a cage?

Lafayette looked around and saw Prince Gorge, Charles Lee, Aaron Burr, and Thomas Paine standing in a circle talking.

"Alex?" He  whispered and leaned over the hooded sleeping boy. "Hey" He frowned and picked up Alex sitting him in his lap, he was frozen to death. "Alex come on wake up please."

Alex groaned and squirmed a bit him his arms. "What John.." he whispered half asleep, he began to shake from the cold.  "Wake up its Laf and i think we're in danger, please Alex" he whispered into his friend ear.

Alex sat up and rubbed his eyes looking  around at the jail. "what the fuck?!"  Alex yelped and stood up  almost straight say which  caught the attention of Prince.

"Oh my looks who's awake and well?" He walked up to the jail with a smirk. Alex sped walked over  "WHO EVEN ARE YOU" He growled.

"Oh dear,  I'm your worst nightmare." The Prince stuck his arm between the jail cell poles and pressed his hand against Alexanders cheek rubbing softly.

Alex flinched and stared at the man, anger in his eyes. The Prince smirked and ran his fingers  down Alexanders  cheek and stuck his fingers into Alex's mouth.

Alex growled lowly and bit as hard as he could down on the on the princes finger, drawing blood.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK-" He yelled and pulled his hand away and held it  up to his chest and cried out. "AARON FCKIGN ZAP HIM!" He turned and walked/ran away.

Burr, Lee, and Paine  walked over to Alex and Lafs cell. Lafayette was just sitting in the back watching. "Z-zap?" He backed up but Paine gripped his arm through the bars.

"Hey, this is what you get for cheating on me." Aaron giggled before taking a long black stick off of a table that was sitting close by. He stuck the rod into the cage and pressed it up against Alexanders abdomen.

The rod buzzed and sent electricity through Alexanders body making him shake and scream. He struggled to get away but Paine hand a good grip on his arm.

Aaron didn't pull back, he continued until Alex was crying and screaming for help. "STOP!" Lafayette got up, still in his kitten outfit he rushed over and pushed Aaron back through the bars.

Lafayette punched Thomas in the nose, satisfied with the 'pop' noise, telling him that he broke his nose. Lafayette grabbed Alex who had a giant  hole in his hoodie and a black spot on his abdomen.

"Alex? Alex are you there, talk to me buddy!" Lafayette shook his unconscious friend, watching the other men run out of the room.

Laf picked up Alex and went to the corner of the cell sitting Alex on his lap. Lafayette knew he was frozen half to death but he knew he had to protect Alex. Soon enough Laf fell asleep there cradling Alex.


"JAMES DID YOU SEE WHERE THEY WENT?!" Hercules cried out and held his head. The four boys sat in James bed arguing about the previous events that was happened throughout the night.

Alex and Lafayette disappeared. They called the cops but the cops didn't do anything about it, saying some dumb shit like "it's a late night and the boys had been drinking, for a queer group like you young men im sure they're off having a good night" that made Hercules and John furious.

"N-no I don't know, I was drunk and they went off and.." Thomas wrapped his arms protectively around his small boyfriend who was struggling for words 
"Hercules clam down.." John mumbled, he was so upset, what if he would never see his Alex ever again, what if he never saw his Mute. Just the thoughts in his head made him emotionally unstable, he was just In a really depressed mood since Alex disappeared.

Hercules frowned and felt a buzz against his leg. He sighed and took out his phone turning it on. "You've received a text from FrenchTaffy"

"OH MY GOD!" He scrambled and typed in his password opening messenger. "What?" John looked over, a flick of hope in his beautiful brown eyes. "I GOT A TEXT FROM LAF!" Hercules pulled up the text, but it wasn't a text, it was a video?

The boys gathered around behind Herc and looked at his phone. He pulled up the video.

"Hello there! It is great to see a friendly face, you see, I have two people you might wanna see?"

He masked man turned around only to reveal that he's in a cage of some sort. He fakes a frown and gives the camera to someone else, still having it face him. He pulled up a small body, picking him up like a baby, he was limp and his eyes was black, his hoodie was torn too.

John froze and stared at the phone. "Alex-" He managed to choke out, tears shedding his eyes, he couldn't move or speak, has his Alex.

"I have this one" he shrugged and dropped Alex with a loud thud. He just laughed as the boy cried out when he hit the ground.

The masked man turned and walked over to Lafayette who was beat almost half to death.

"This one decided to break my nose, he won't make that mistake anymore"

The man smirked and crossed his arms. "So boys, now that I have these two, I need something from y'all." He joked like nothing was wrong.



I know I said that there was in a be a schedule but I can't help it I had to


Word count: 1095

Btw Lafayette's outfit looks like this

Btw Lafayette's outfit looks like this

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Shocking, get it, Alex? Hahaha...

Kill me

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