Fuck him up- //12//

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"Alex- Alex come on wake up." James shook the small boy. "ALEX" he yelled into the boys ear making him jump and fall off the couch. "Laurens?" Alex poked his head from the other side of the bed and looked at Madison. "O-oh hey James" He giggled and stood up.

James threw a pair of pants and a long sleeved white sweater on the bed. Alex scrambled to get them. "Bathrooms that way" he pointed to a door on the other side of his room. "O-ok..thanks James" Alex smiled and made his way to the bathroom. "I'll be downstairs we're gonna miss Tommy if you don't hurry so please try to." James left the room.

Alex walked into the bathroom and rubbed his eyes. He threw water on his face and began taking his clothing off, looking around the bathroom. It was decorated in dolphins and other sea creatures. Mainly dolphins tho. The walls was blue and they had a double sink, there was a shower with see through glass, still confused on why people buy that.

Alex looked down at his bandaged arms and shook his head, pulling off his sweat pants and leggings. He had two pairs of pants on because he didn't wanna freeze his ass off, of course. Alex threw on the sweater and slipped on the pants. Yea it was big on him, the sleeves were longer then his arms, causing them to dangle over his hands. The pants weren't that bad, the string made them stay in place. Alex turned and rushed out the door with his dirty clothes. Speed walking through James room and down the stairs.

"You didn't have to run" James giggled as Alex slid his shoes in panting. A car horn scared Alex to fall back on his butt with a little squeak. James was too worried about who was outside to help him up so he did it himself. "C'mon it's Tommy!" James said excited opening the door and skipping out. Alex followed and shut the door, walking up to the magenta velvet car.

The man rolled down his window and looked at James. "Climb in, and bring your pet with you." Alex was too short to see in the window, the wheels were huge, why, why would anyone want wheels that big. Alex couldn't see the man but already knew it was Jefferson.

Alex stood on his tippy toes and climbed in. C-l-i-m-b-e-d in. "Ew a midget." Jefferson laughed his stupid ass laugh and turned to face Alex, who was struggling to shut the door with the long sleeves. "Jefferson." Alex gripped the door and slammed it so he wouldn't fall out. Alex smirked at Jefferson in the front seat.

Thomas rolled his eyes and placed a hand under James' chin and kissing him softly. "Hey babe, where are we going?" Thomas raised a brow. "T-to Alexanders dorm, his friends are probably worried." James said nervously and sat back into his seat.

"Alright I'm taking you to the animal pound gremlin" Thomas grumbled and turned his car around driving towards the school. The car ride was quiet and awkward, Alex just looked out the window, enjoying being this high up. James had to climb in too, Thomas is just as asshole.

Thomas stopped at the dorm parking lot. "Alright get out, and don't fall or I'm gonna have to run you over" Thomas snapped. Alex groaned and grabbed his clothes opening the door and hopping out. "Bye James!" Alex shut the door and began walking into the dorms.

Thomas and James had already left so Alex decided to turn and take a little walk.

He hummed a song and began sawing around to it. The ice was slippery so he just skated along on it. "We fall again we fall again~" Alex sang quietly. (Oh yes papa frank)

Alex went back to humming before feeling hands around his waist and another around his mouth. "MMMH?!" He kicked but felt the grip tighten. He whined as he was pulled into a back ally. The stranger threw Alex down onto the ice making him hiss in pain. He looked up at the stranger.

"A-Aaron Burr, s-sir.." Alex looked up at the man. "What I-is this.." Aaron smirked and bend down grabbing Alexanders cheeks crushing them together.

"Don't you understand, we both want the same thing cupcake?" Aaron growled and pushed Alex over dumpster. "You don't participate, so well, I'm just gonna have to make you." Burr unbuckled his pants. "NO- PLEASE" Alex kicked, but Burr just grabbed his leg and threatened to break it.

Burr gripped Alexanders pants, ignoring the cold he began pulling at them. Alex cried out and tried kicking him again.

Somewhere else ⬇️

"John said Alex didn't come back yesterday?" The French man said looking down at Peggy. "I made him so much hot coco, I'm gonna get him back for this" Peggy giggled. "I'm worried mon Ami, what if he's hurt or being held captive." Laf frowned and stopped in his place. They had been taking a walk. "He can handle himself Laf?" Peggy raised a brow. "Hes super skinny. I could pick him up with my pinky-" "NO- PLEASE." Laf turned his head to a back ally behind him. "Was that not Alex?" Peggy began walking towards the ally way. "Wait-" Laf walked in front of her and looked into the ally way, only to see Aaron Burr with his belt unbuckled pushing Alexander over a dumpster, with the small boy squirming under him.

"OUI!" Lafayette yelled and stomped over. Burr looked up but didn't have enough time to see who it was, Lafayette had balled his fist up and punched him square in the face, grabbing Alexanders. "Are you ok?" Laf raised a brow.

"FUCK YOU BURR IM TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!" Alex screamed and kicked Burr in his side, causing the man on the ground to wince and curl up holding his side. "I DONT LOVE YOU AND I NEVER WILL!" He screamed out again and began kicking him over and over.

Lafayette watched amused for a second before Burr started coughing up blood. "Alex! Don't kill him!" Lafayette snapped and grabbed the small boy, but lost grip. Alex was strong when he was mad. Lafayette tried his best to pry Alex off Burr but didn't succeed.

Alex crawled up onto Burr chest and got face to face with him. "Next time I'll have you begging for me to stop!" Alex snapped, which scared Lafayette and Peggy. Alex got off of him and huffed. "Can we go home..?"

"Yea Alex, lets go before you kill him." Laf wrapped his arm around his aggressive little friend. Peggy stayed out of their way just following from behind.


Is there too much action in this? X"D I miss writing and I won't be here Tuesday so here ya go.

Are these too short?

I love posting as soon as possible, y'all know that.

Word count: 1178

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