Christmas eve court //14//

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Johns POV:

It has been a couple of weeks since that night. Burr backed off for now, and Charles Lee was no where in sight. Alex was still in recovery from what happened with Burr, but he seemed to be over it mostly.

Oh did I mention Burrs in the hospital?
Alex fucked him up. Burr had two broken ribs and a  concussion. 

Who knew such a small boy held so much anger.

Oh did I mention Alex and Burr had to go to court right on the day before Christmas Eve. Yea here's the story.


I ran my hand through Alexanders hair to try and calm him down. we all sat there on the waiting room. Just our four Gay-squad tho. The sisters was way too aggressive.

Alex curled against me on the uncomfortable chair. "J-John i don't wanna do this, I-I just want him to leave me alone.." Alex whispered trying to keep himself from crying.

Hercules rubbed his back. "It'll be ok don't worry-" "Mr. Hamilton?" A woman at the desk cut Herc off, he frowned but didn't say another word.

"Y-yes?" He looked up at the woman. "Please you're called to the stand, you and your group follow me.." She smiled, but it was a gently one. I could tell she hates her job.

We all got up and followed her, but Alex didn't wanna move. I nuzzled his ear before leading him into the room. The woman nodded and left the room, no one was there other then the  squad and Ass-Burger-sir.

"J-John.." Alex scrambled to grab my hand but couldn't find it. His breathing was uneven and he was staring in front if him.

I watched as his chest rose and fell in a quick pass. Then it snapped in my head. Panic attack.

I pulled him close in the seats we were now sitting in. That didn't help. He flinched back and began shaking. "I..I d-don't want t-to do t-this John please don't m-make me.." he hiccuped now crying.

I stood up and  picked him up. "I'm taking him outside. Tell them Alex is canceling, I can't have him have a heart attack in here over ass burr-ger over there."I mumbled wrapping my arms around Alexanders Butt holding him.

I shuffled out of the exit door looking up at the snow. I sat Alex down on a bench.

He scrambled to grab my hands, which he managed to do after a couple tries. "Alex listen, I'm right here with you, I'll never leave you, calm down baby girl. Let's go home.." I smiled and picked him up again. I opened the exit door to the room and fame face to face with Lafayette.

"Let's get out of here" Hercules growled. I nodded and began walking towards hercs car. I climbed in the back with Alex like always, Laf in the passenger seat, and Hercules behind the wheel.

We drove home.

              The next day Christmas Eve

Alexander's POV:

"John John John John!" I yelled and pushed him off the bed. "It Christmas Eve  wake up!" I whine and walk though the house. Walking up to the coffee maker and pouring another cup of coffee. Adding milk, stirring it and sipping it.

I let out a sigh of relief and carried the mug through the dorm. I walked up to jeffersons room and opened it, popping my head though the door.

James Madison laid there with a sheet around his waist completely naked.  And Lafayette..

Wait no thats Thomas with his hair tied up. He had only underwear on laying on top of the blankets.

I giggled and shut the door walking back  through the living room. I bent down and picked up my lion  and squeezed it in my hand before taking another still of coffee, this was my 4th cup, but I don't care.

My phone buzzed against my leg. I sat down on the couch and put my the mug on the table, lion plush on my lap.

I pulled my phone out and looked at the text I had received.


Whatissleep: We'll be there  in a sec, John won't get up.

I put his phone back up and grabbed his lion walking over to Johns room.

"Come one babe please wake up~" I
stood at the door. I can't believe it's came to this. I crossed my arms and held my lion to my chest.


"LAFAYETTE!!" John jumped up and landed in his feet on the end before tumbling down into the floor because the sheets were slippery. He hit the ground with a big thud.

I giggled and walked over pushing hair out of my boyfriends face. "Get up silly we're going to the sisters place, also.  Make sure you bring a onesie?"

John crawled out of the floor and stood up. "Mm" he hummed and pulled his shirt off turning around and walking over to his closet.

To be honest
I was pretty much drooling over Johns body. Like damn  I loved to see him shirtless.

"Take a pictures and it'll last longer." John said and found a sweater, sliding it on. He also pulled out a turtle folding it and placing it on his bed.

I had already dressed warm. I walked over to my backpack and  pulled out my lion onesie.

"Ready?" I slipped on a jacket and held my lion plunging in one hand, and lion onesie in the other. My phone and charger as in my pants pocket too.

"As I'll ever be." John yawned and grabbed his lion plushie  walking  the door.

No one POV

Hercules  cuddles up to Lafayette under the blankets. Peggy laid beside Maria and didn't dare to touch her. Angelica was on the middle on her phone Eliza beside her. Alexanders by Eliza's side being cuddled by John.

They all and onesies on.

Eliza had a princess one on, Angelica just had a bright pink one on. Peggy had a Spiderman one on and Maria had a solid red one that said "not your whore"

Lafayette had a black one that said "I ❤️ France" and Hercules had one that said "I woke up like this" And well you know Alexanders and Johns.

The group of friends spent the day and in a blanket fort watching movies. Waiting for Christmas Day.

Still have no internet so I can't post this. I promise I'll post more once I get internet.

I wanna write a jamilton fic so I can have some Madison x Laurens- aw yis.

But I probably one tbh. I'm too lazy to have two books at a time.

Word count: 1138

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