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Tears begin to stream down my face as Michael struggles to crawl into the house.

His once beautiful dark hair is now shaved off. His arms are cut all over and his neck is swollen.

The only thing that stayed the same was his light blue eyes. He leans up against the wall and slams the door shut.

"Delilah" Michael whispers. "I don't have much time. They are coming for you."

Michael hands me a small necklace.

"Here, wear this. A time will come when you will need it."

I put it on and sit next to my brother.

He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I have so many questions but we sit silently for a minute or two.

Then Michael turns and looks at me.

"I love you Delilah." Michael says. " I know I promised I'd always keep you safe.. but-"

I look him in the eyes. "Michael I'm safe." I reply shakily. "I'm with you."

Michael begins to breath very quickly and closes his eyes.

A single tear rolls down his cheek.

He whispers, "I'm sorry Delilah. I failed you, mom and dad."

I can no longer keep my composure.

I lean in and hug him. I cry into his shoulder.

I begin to speak my words cracking. "I love you Michael. I love you soo much. I don't care about your promise. I could die right now and I would still love you just as much."

Michael turns his head slowly and opens his eyes.

He smiles at me. Then he whispers, "I know."

I watch as Michael closes his eyes and slumps to the ground slowly.

I hold him in my arms. Crying and grasping his limp hand.

I just lost my only brother.

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