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Kingston POV

I head out with my pack as we prepare to fight. Suddenly a guard comes running over to me with a paper.

"Sir we just received this from the Alpha of the other pack."

I read it and crush it within my fist, smirking. He is an idiot. A complete idiot.

"Jordan call in Michael and grab Brandon we are having a four against four. They don't stand a chance."

Jordan grins and mind-links Michael and Brandon. "Kingston I can't believe that alpha thinks he can go against us with only three others. We'll be done before breakfast."

I tell my pack to stand their ground no matter who wins and then we begin our journey towards the enemy.

We only go a mile in and suddenly we are attacked. Jordan goes flying into a tree and Michael struggles with another wolf. Next thing I know we are all separated. I don't know where Brandon is but I can still see Michael.

It's silent too silent. Where is the alpha. I growl.
" Come out coward!! I know you are out here somewhere."

Suddenly I'm thrown into the creek. I growl furious. Oh it's on. I see the wolf approach teeth bared buts it too dark to see the color of his fur.

I lunge forward and begin clawing at his stomach but out of no where Michael throws me off. Both me and the other wolf growl at him. How dare get in the middle of this fight to the death.

Michael changes back into his human form and points to the wolf in tears. "That's Delilah.."

I turn and in horror see a wolf launch himself at Michael.


Before I could move, Michael is on the ground being torn to pieces by a wolf.

I throw the wolf off and notice the alpha is ripping that wolf to pieces growling louder than I have ever heard a wolf growl in my life.

Oh my gosh it is a she wolf... Once she howled you could hear the signature sound of a female leak into all of our ears.
I transform back into my human self and hold Michael in my arms. He is barely alive.

I hear a small whisper behind me.
"No he can't, he's not going to die is he?"

I turn around and see the beautiful person that I have missed for almost a decade. The Alpha is Delilah. But how?

Michael struggles to breath as he reaches out to grab Delilah's hand. Then he smiles not taking his eyes off his sister for one second.

"I am your brother and no matter what happens I will always love you. I missed you so much sis... Please tell me you remember me. I just need to hear you say my name one last time."

Michael voice fades and he slowly closes his eyes.

Delilah begins to cry as she reaches out and hugs her brother.
"Michael I love you more than life itself...please don't go."

Michael smiles as he squeezes Delilah's hand one last time before he breaths his last breath.

"I love you Delilah..."

Delilah cries holding Michael's limp body and whispers," I love you too."

I don't know what to say or do. Just a few minutes ago she wanted to tear me to pieces now she just lost her closes friend and family member.

Before I could say a word, Delilah looks at me with her sad eyes and softly whispers.
"Can you.. hold me. I feel so far gone. I don't know what to do."

That's all it took for to pull her into a hug that missed so much. Before I know it I'm in tears too. For Michael and for Delilah.

I look her in the eyes and lean and kiss her softly on her lips. I don't know what came over me because I wasn't planning on kissing her.

A shock runs through me and it's like a switch is turned on. My wolf is screaming mate and Delilah pulls away suddenly in a daze.

She smiles in tears at me and throws herself back at me. "You were always the one for me. Even when Valera messed up the mate bond. It was always you Kingston...

I have got to be smiling like a fool now. I can't believe Delilah is my mate. After all that mate stuff with Derek. It ends up being me anyways.

Suddenly Delilah's smile fades and she falls to the ground again.

"I just lost my brother for the second time...why.."

I watch as Delilah gets up and pulls Michael back to her. She holds him in her lap, lost in her thoughts.

Then Delilah reaches out her hand and I pull her back to me. Jordan and Brandon come out of the trees shocked at what they see in front of them.

But they don't say a word and lift Michael up taking him back to the pack. Delilah transform back into her wolf and howls.

She just released all the packs and their leaders. She turns around and looks in their direction and whispers. "I'm sorry..."

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