who's there?

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I run towards the forest in tears. What have I done?

I sit on a smooth rock and watch the fish swim swiftly away from my reflection in the water.

This stream holds most of my tears. And I think all my tears are for Kingston.

I smile to myself. I remember when Michael and I were younger.

Michael was sixteen and had his girlfriend over.

Her name was Kayla.

She was beautiful and he loved her to death. But he ruined it for himself too.

His ex showed up at the house the same day after she left wanting Michael to take her back.

He kept shaking his head no when she leaned in to kiss him. About that time his girlfriend drove up. She had forgotten her bracelet on the table.

Michael didn't push her back like he should have. When he turned to see who drove up, he was staring into the sad brown eyes of Kayla.

She wasn't angry but disappointed. She sat there silently staring into his eyes. Then she drove off and cut all communication with him.

I was so mad at Michael. I actually liked Kayla. She was a sweetheart.

I smacked him in the back of the head then hugged him.

I knew how much she meant to him and hated seeing my brother so depressed and down.

I look up to the sky and close my eyes.

"Michael, I guess we have something in common. We both screw things up."

I kick a twig into the water and watch it flow downstream.

Suddenly, hear a male voice behind me.

"Hey, but at least we still love each other."

I turn around falling into the stream.

A hand reaches down and pulls me back up.

I look into the familiar blue eyes of my brother.


I rush up and hug him.

"I don't care if you are dead. Please don't leave me. I need you."

I begin to cry into his shoulder.

"Delilah, you know I would never leave you. I love you sis. Unlike that mate of yours."

I look up.

"Kingston has every right to leave me."

Michael shakes his head.

You said something wrong. Yes I know. But you took it back. It wasn't like you ran off with Troy. Unlike Kingston who has run off with the Witchress."

My eyes widen in anger.

"He what?!!"

I close my eyes trying to calm my wolf down.

"If he is able to let go of me that easily. Then I don't want him."

Suddenly a pain in my chest begins to rise.

I scream like there is no tomorrow.

Michael grabs me and heads to a town I don't recognize.

The doctor rushes over to me and takes me inside a small hospital.

"It's going to be alright. You just broke the bond with your mate. Once the pain is gone. You will feel better."

An hour goes by and the pain subsides. Michael smiles at me.

"Next time you decide to be with someone, you better let me meet him first. I don't want you dating losers like Kingston."

I laugh. Michael always knows how to make me feel better.

The doctor smiles.

"Well in a couple of days you will be able to find your second chance mate. But until the full moon has past you'll have to wait.

A man walks in and smiles gently at me.

"Hello Delilah, I'm Alpha Derek Neil. You're safe here with us. Michael told us what is going on. Right now, over half the werewolf population around the world is on your side."

Michael nudges me in the shoulder.

"Sis, you sure have a lot of people that trust you."

I nod in amazement.

I look back at the Alpha who for some reason is still staring at me.

He looks at the doctor and Michael.

"Can I have a moment alone with Delilah. I want to talk to her about some important things."

They both nod and walk out.

I turn and look at him.

He is handsome. There is doubt about that.

Just like Kingston, he has that southern accent that just makes you want to melt.

His light blue eyes are so mesmerizing. 

He kinda looks like Kingston and Troy put together now that I think about it.. weird.

For the first time in a long time I actually feel safe around someone.  


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