Party Time

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I wake up and feel bummed. There was no smell of bacon this morning. What's the point of getting up now?

I hear Michael banging on my door.

"Come on sis, we have a long day ahead of us!"

I groan and roll out of bed.

I take a hot shower and look through the clothes I bought.

I throw on a pretty blue dress and put some shorts under it in case I have to fight.

I put my hair up let a couple of my curls hang loose in the front.

A little bit of eyeliner and pink lipstick and I am ready for business.

Going down the hall I bump into Derek.

He immediately smiles at me.

"Why, don't you look beautiful."

I blush.


I walk down the stairs with him following behind.

"So you ready for the party tonight?"

I turn and look at Derek.

"Of course, I heard ya'll were having star country singer tonight. Is it George Strait? Because if it isn't I will-"

Derek cuts me off.

"You'll what?"

I smirk.

"I won't show up."

His smile fades.

"Yes you will, there ain't no way you aren't going to this party."

I giggle.

"I was just kidding around. Don't be such a downer."

He pretends to be offended.

"I am not a downer. Thank you very much. I am the life of the party."

I mutter.

"Yeah because you're the Alpha."

He glares at me.

"No, because I actually am fun."

We eat breakfast and Derek goes out to see how the preparation for the party is going and I Spend the afternoon walking around with Michael exploring the pack.

Michael looks down at his watch.

"Its almost ten. You need to get ready for the party."

I yawn. I am so tired but I'm not going to admit it.

The moon is just rising into the sky.

I go to my room and start my personal little makeover and let me tell you. I look good.

I head outside and see mason jars lighting the way to the party.

I can hear laughing and loud music.

Michael meets me at the entrance.

"You look great Delilah, not as good as me but you'll do."

I smack him in back of the head.

"Just kidding."

I smile sweetly.

"That's what I thought."

A couple of hours go by and I haven't seen Derek.

I head back inside to see if he's okay.

Suddenly I gasp. A hand grabs my arm and I get pulled into a kiss.

I can't tell you how wonderful it felt. My hands feel sparkly and a shiver runs down my arms.



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