Try The Soup, Its A Killer Recipe.

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Mikoto and Natsu followed Hope through the magnificent halls of the palace. Mikoto kept tripping a little due to the dress she was currently wearing that she wasn't used to. (They couldn't find where the maids had taken her clothes.)

"I'm awfully sorry about the trouble everyone here has been giving you..." said Hope. "Nobody was supposed to find out you were here until you came to the palace. I suspect Constantine must have been putting a watch out to observe me."

"So you're the princess?" said Natsu. "Weird.....your eyes kinda remind me of someone....."

Hope turned to look at Mikoto and Natsu. Immediately, Mikoto felt a little shocked. She had just looked well enough at her eyes to notice that it was almost like looking into a mirror. She and Hope had inherited the same eyes from Thundaarix.

"Are you alright Misaka?" said Hope with some slight worry in her eyes. "You look like you've seen a ghost...."

"'s nothing." said Mikoto. "It's just.....I have a lot of sisters......I never thought I'd have another one on my dragon mom's side..."

"Well actually we aren't're more like my great times a hundred aunt...." said Hope. "My first ancestor to take the throne, King Ellendiel, would be your brother if he were alive today. You see, one of the things about Dragon Born magic is that the blood of dragons can be passed down through the generations, since we technically are part dragon. So you can say Thundaarix is like my great times a hundred grandmother."

"That's kind of wacked out." said Mikoto.

"It's a bit to wrap your head around I know." said Hope with a smile. "But since you're a direct daughter of Thundaarix rather then a distant descendent like me, that means you're first in line for the throne now........"

"But I don't want to be royalty or anything!" said Mikoto. "I'm just here to take the job you sent out."

Hope nodded. "I get what you're's why I tried to keep the job a secret in the first place. But Constantine has gotten so power hungry lately......I think he thinks he can control me better if he has you as another puppet."

"What is that guy's deal!?" said Natsu. "He just came out of the blue and tried to turn Mikoto into a.......I don't know! Where does he get the right to try and remove Mikoto's guild mark anyways!!?"

"If I would have to guess." said Hope. "Having two heirs to the throne under his watch at all times does him quite a favor.........and he can watch you better if everyone knows your bloodline. That way, he has the authority to attach gaurds to you and force you to attend different events. I used to have to go to so many different political stuff before I was forbidden from leaving the palace."

"Jeez......." said Mikoto. "This guy's a real jerk. Couldn't you do anything about it?"

"I cannot officially take the throne until I'm 18........" said Hope. "And neither can you. Until either of us actually turn 18, Constantine has full stewardship over the throne. And here's one of the reasons I asked your guilds's that if these assasins who have been targeting me manage to kill me, unless you decide to take the throne of your own free will, Constantine will become king."

Mikoto and Natsu looked at each other.

"Don't you worry." said Natsu with a grin. "No one is going to kill you on our watch!"

"You can count on us!" said Mikoto. "As soon as find something to wear other then this weird dress."

"Thank you.." said Hope. "Please, allow me to help show you back to your rooms...."

As the threesome continued to walk through the magnificent halls (Mikoto still tripping somewhat over the dress), Near the cieling, hiding in the shadows was a ginormous Tarantula. It had spikes jutting out all over her back and blades on her leg tips. The top of her bottom body segment had the purple three headed oriboris of Hydra Head. Arachnis Widower hissed in interest.

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