The Hydra's Hostile Takeover

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Mikoto, Hope and Elli peeked around the corner of the front gate of the palace. It had almost been too easy sneaking close so far. But they weren't about to take any chances. Mikoto looked right...then she looked left.

"Coast's clear, let's go." 

The threesome snuck carefully through the palace grounds. Oddly enough, there were no gaurds. In fact....there was absolutely nobody around.

"Okay..." said Mikoto. "This is just too weird. Where is everyone?"

Hope also looked around, an anxious look appearing on her face. "There should always be somebody out here at this time. You don't think us leaving caused some sort of uproar do you?"

"Can't have." said Mikoto. "I told Natsu to tell all the other guilds what happened just in case. If there was an uproar, they would tell all the gaurds what happened."

"Wow, you're pretty smart with this stuff."

"This isn't the first time I've snuck past some sort of curfew." said Mikoto. "You should see my dorm supervisor. She's like an angry Erza with glasses."

They continued to sneak around. But still, nobody seemed to be in the palace grounds at all.....most strange indeed.

"Maybe......everyone is inside?" said Hope apprehensively.

Mikoto nodded slowly. "Maybe......" Why did she have such an ominous feeling about this?

Mikoto and Elli slowly pushed the side entrance to the palace open. The usually lit up hallways within were nearly pitch black.

"Mikoto......I'm scared...." said Elli flying up to her spot on Mikoto's head.

"Don't worry Elli.....I'm sure everyone is fine." said Mikoto. "I hope..."

Mikoto unconsciously clutched the necklace that Nicole had given her. So far, the necklace determined that there was nobody within the 50 ft range of detection. Mikoto then sniffed the air nervously trying to see what her dragon senses could tell her. Her friend's scents were there, but faded enough to suggest that they probably weren't around.

"Come on..." said Mikoto. "We shouldn't just stand here."

Mikoto walked into the dark massive hallway as Hope followed. As they continued down the hall, Mikoto began to notice she was shivering, and it wasn't from the was fear. A steady fear that was building in her heart. 

Suddenly, she felt a warm hand grasp around her own. It was Hope, she was also shivering slightly.

"I think we should check the throne room...." said Hope. "I-I have a feeling.......there's something there."

"What makes you say that?" said Elli.

"J-just a feeling..."

It took only 3 minutes, but it felt like hours as they made their way to the throne room. When they came to the large dragon decorated doors, Mikoto's heart was beating like a drum. What was this horribly bad feeling she was getting?

Mikoto reached out a hand and pushed the door open slightly. The door opened to reveal the magnificent throne room.....There was a bright beam of light shining upon the throne at the very back . And sitting on the throne was......

"Constantine!?" said Hope. "What are you doing on the royal throne!? Only those of Thundaarix's blood are allowed to sit there!"

"Hello there your former majesties...." said Constantine with a sinister smile. "How I do love it when the tables turn.....don't you?"

"What's going on you old bag!?" growled Mikoto. "Where is everyone!?"

"Oh the gaurds and servents are just readying the town for your funeral.......after all. You two are dead."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 4: Royal BloodlinesWhere stories live. Discover now