True Evil And A Dash Of Scientific Mischief

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In all her life, Mikoto could not remember waking up with a more sore and ragged feeling body except for the first time she went full blown level 6. Her arms felt like they had been runnover by a stampede of 200 ft tall Happys at a fish convention. Her throat felt like Natsu had just given her mouth to mouth with a Roar of The Fire Dragon move. And her head.....she couldn't begin to describe the migrain she currently had. Every sight, every sound....hurt like a gong that was constantly going off in her head.

"Urrghh...." Mikoto blinked against the massive barrage of sights and sounds that seemed to be running through her system. " hurts....."

Suddenly a gentle hand brushed her forehead. Immediately, Mikoto's migrain stopped, and her vision cleared. She was lying on her sleeping bag drenched in sweat as Lucy brushed a towel over her forehead.

"Be honest...." said Mikoto. "How much forest did I just destroy?"

Lucy sighed with relief. "Thank goodness!! You were in so much pain just now. Your eyes were shut up tight and you wouldn't let go of Happy's tail."

"Happy's tail?" Mikoto muttered she looked down to see that her fist was closed tightly aroung Happy's tail in a mega vice-like grip.

Happy looked like he was trying not to say anything about it, but his face had the look of 'OW OW OW OUCH!!' on it.

"Oh man....sorry Happy." Mikoto said letting go of Happy's tail

Happy rolled onto his back and clutched his tail. "A-aye..."

"How long was I out for?" asked Mikoto as she attempted to move an arm, but failed painfully.

"About 5 hours." said Lucy. "It's morning now...Erza heard the screaming last night and was able to restrain you with her Lightning Empress armor before anyone got hurt. Then Angelus did something weird and put his hand on your head. You calmed right down after that."

"Really?" said Mikoto. "I-I think I remember some of that, but everything was going by so painfully and blurry, I didn't know what was fact, I think I even had some crazy vision."

"A vision? What was it about?"

"Don't tell anyone yet..." said Mikoto. "But I think I might have seen Igneel..."

"Natsu's dad?!" said Lucy looking shocked. "Well I guess it's possible that it was real. I mean, Thundaarix had contacted you in dreams before... Who's to say another dragon can't use dreams to contact people?"

"He told me to go back to the palace...and to look in the throne room for something.....I can't remember... it's way too foggy...he also wanted me to tell Natsu that he'd see him soon." said Mikoto. "Urrrghh....I wish I could remember more!"

"Just calm down." said Lucy. "It'll come to you."

" you think I should tell-?"

Before Mikoto could finish her sentence, Natsu burst out of the bushes. "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Igneel and I are gonna....YEAAAAHHH!!!"

"NATSU!!" Scolded Lucy. "Have you been been eavesdropping!!!!? AGAIN!!!?"

But Natsu was too busy jumping up and down in joy to listen. "IGNEEL IGNEEL IGNEEL IGNEEL!!!" Natsu ran off into the forest still shouting Igneel's name as Mikoto and Lucy just stared after him.

" defiinitely put sombody in a good mood." said Lucy.

"You're telling me." said Mikoto. "So it's morning now right? What are we going to do?"

"Erza, Lyon, and Gray made a plan to storm the palace." said Lucy. "They said they weren't going to explain it for about 3 hours though."

Lucy put a hand to Mikoto's forehead. "But until that time, you're going stay and rest, I'm gonna go wet some more leaves to see if we can get that fever to go down."

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