The Grove Of Memories

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"I bid you welcome to this hallowed ground." Said Angelus Etwatia as birds fluttered onto his tree-like armor. "Though I appologize for the strangely shocking imagery. They don't call this the grove of memories for nothing."

"What's going on here!?" demanded Gray. "Who exactly are you!? What is all this stuff!?"

"All of the things you see here, are mere reflections of what created them." said Angelus. "Night Reveler.....The Tower of Heaven.....Deliora......they each had a large impact on the history of this world, and so their memories have ended up in this grove. Here in the Grove of Memories, the past can be seen, touched, and much more......"

Angelus held out a finger, and a blue bird fluttered down and perched on it. "As for who exactly I am.....well, I can assure you, I wasn't originally of this planet. Me and my brother Diablo come from an ancient world quite different from this one."

"D-Diablo!?" Said Natsu suddenly looking cautious as the rest of the group backed away from Angelus. "You're his brother!?"

"I assure you." said Angelus. "I mean you no harm. Me and my twin are nothing alike....While he stands for death, destruction, and damnation.....I stand for life, creation, and mercy."

"Well apparently they have similar fashion sense...." Elli whispered to Mikoto. "That guy is wearing a lot of armor...even if it is all made of wood."

"Please." said Jura. "Could you tell us more about this place. Why are there things that should be long gone here?"

"What you are seeing is the result of the remnants of Elanis Lord Of Creation's hatching grounds. Back when Dravis's opposite still dwelled on this island, Elanis cared for the first dragons to soar through the skies of Fiore in this area.. As a result of the sacred power all converging on this area, magic turned this place into a collection of memories. You will find many things here, all representations of events in the past. For example........"

Angelus reached down to the ground below him and picked up a large, stuffed, dress wearing, Gekota doll with a torn thumb . "I believe this belonged to dear Misaka when she was younger."

"Er...." said Mikoto as red patches appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh I remember that!" said Tabigake cheerfully running up to Angelus and pulling out his wallet. "Here, take a look at this picture, doesn't she look cute holding that doll?"

"D-dad stop it!!" said Mikoto now going very red.

"There's no need to show that to me." said Angelus. "This grove holds the memories of all who enter it, it's one of the many ways in which it collects the memories that are stored here. See? The moment you entered, I found Misaka's baby pictures..." Angelus took out a stack of photos.

"I-I don't think now's exactly the time to.." began Mikoto. But the rest of the entire group was already looking at the pictures.

"Awwww..." said Hope. "You're so cute."

"As expected from darling Mikoto!" said Lyon with hearts in his eyes again. "Even when she is young she is cuter then anything!"

"Look at her cute smile!" said Lucy.

"HEY!!! CAN WE FOCUS HERE!!!!!??" shouted Mikoto. Never had she felt herself hyperventilating so much.

"My appologies." said Angelus. "I realize humans don't traditionally expose their younger they?"

"Well Natsu acts like a kid all the time...." said Lucy.

"Can I keep these?" said Natsu looking through all the photos with Gray at his side. Both of them looked like they were having a good time.

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