The Truth

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Never had anything felt clearer to Mikoto in her life...never had her steps moved with more purpose..She had to find out, she had to know..what it was that was in the second half of the prophecy. The prophecy that within the throne room of the palace. It was the one thing that now drove her farther then anything else had before.

Her destiny...lay within that prophecy. As Mikoto blasted open the doors of the palace with a tremendous lightning bolt, multiple skeleton creatures ran out, howling like zombies from a horror video game. Natsu immediately went to work smashing each and every one  of the skeletons with his flaming fists as Mikoto dove into the crowd of monsters and blasted out her Thunder Dragon Wings, swatting asside Diablo's minions with frightening grace and beauty. 

After the last of the skeleton warriors had been destroyed, Natsu looked up to talk to Mikoto, but found that she had already forced her way into the palace. 

"Whoah.." said Natsu. "I've never seen her so serious!"

"Aye!" said Happy. "It's like someone was holding Gekota hostage in there."

"S-Sissy." Kuroko stuttered

"Mikoto.." Elli murmured. 

Hope nodded. "She's done playing around...and frankly, so am I. It's time Hydra Head payed for what they did to my people."

As the rest of the group dove into the palace after their friend, Mikoto was already deep within the palace on a massive rampage. Left and right, skeleton creatures were blown to smithereens as massive lightning bolts spread out like tremendous shockwaves. It was power without  limits. Anything that had even a little to do with Hydra Head was obliterated on the spot. 

The lightning that flashed through the dark halls seemed to create powerful display of life and power. Had even Hades of Grimoire Heart stood in her way, even he would have felt fear beyond measure. Mikoto's heart was in full throttle...and she wasn't going to hold it back any longer. 

"You came after my friends..." said Mikoto as another lightning bolt tore through a row of skeletons.

"You tried to make my life a living hell..." Another lightning bolt blasted aside several more skeletons.

"Then you actually had the take over my Mom's kingdom." said Mikoto.  "I AM FREAKING SICK OF ALL OF YOU!!!!"

Mikoto puffed up her cheeks. "Roar Of The Thunder Dragon!!"

A tremendous beam of swirling lightning blasted out from Mikoto's mouth and completely decimated the leftover skeletons.

Mikoto walked over to the large metal door she knew, and kicked it open with a lightning engulfed foot. The door flew into the air and hit the ground with a clang. "Knock knock..guess who?"

Mikoto walked into the still demonic looking throne room and looked around. Immediately, the cieling shook and a massive muscular red creature dropped from the cieling, it looked at Mikoto menacingly with it's skull-like face and large fangs. The creature roared with power.

"Behold!" shouted the creature. "I am one of Diablo's servents...the great beast of-"

Before the monster could even finish introducing himself, Mikoto appeared behind him in a blur of speed. "DEMOLITION FIST OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!"

"KAAAZAAAAAAMMMMM!!!" There was a huge electric explosion and the monster found itself flying out the throne room and then crashing through several walls.

Natsu, Hope, and Kuroko who had just arrived stared on in shock.

"Diablo's servant my butt." Said Mikoto. "Now lie there and think about your mistakes stupid."

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 4: Royal BloodlinesWhere stories live. Discover now