The Power of Elanis

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Diablo Etwatia could feel it... She was getting closer....the one...the one he would defeat and use to complete the was almost time. TO DESTROY THE RAILGUN!!

Diablo looked around the square. Where...where would she come from...from above from the side? Her only hope at the moment was to attempt a sneak attack, or he would have her dead in one move. Not that it mattered of course, no attack she threw at him would be able to hurt him. She was a dead girl no matter how you looked at it.

Diablo possessed within himself the very power of a god in comparison to the mages of this world. While Mikoto Misaka, though powerful, had nowhere near that power to help her.

"I will ensure she has a swift death..." said Diablo. "There has been too many mistakes where Mikoto Misaka is concerned. She will die by my hand and no other."

"You're afraid." said a voice.

Diablo looked up, surprised that he hadn't noticed Mystia's presence. "Mystia interesting that you would come at this hour...are you looking for a swift death as well?"

"No.." said Mystia. "I have not come here to fight, but merely to watch."

"You actually believe this Railgun can defeat me." Diablo snorted. "Rich."

"Put on that amused act all you want." said Mystia. "But my master taught me to even read those like yourself. You fear the last words your brother told you, you are scared of the truth within them. It's safe to say that the Railgun is the first one you've ever feared ever since you defeated your own father."

"How do you know about that?" said Diablo.

"The guilds aren't the only ones who spoke with Angelus." said Mystia. "Face's not being outmatched in power know that, and so does she."

"That may be all good  in the case of speeches and eloquent kings." said Diablo. "But this is war...survival of the fittest, and in a war like that, power is everything. Now silence girl...I have a threat to destroy."

Diablo continued to stare into the far end of the square as he stood silently in the center. He wasn't wrong, Mikoto Misaka would come after him, he was all that was left, he could sense it. Arachnis was dead, Aurumnus and Gore were both defeated, and Dravis had been forced to withdraw Exisio, not to mention the Assasins had been easily subdued with their leader dead.

"I am all that's left...for now." said Diablo as he looked at the magic circle behind him that had been drawn with black chalk. "As soon as the sun rises, and the light first hits this circle...the odds will officially come in my favor..."

"Oh really," said a voice. "And what makes you think you'll last until then?"

Diablo looked up. Mikoto Misaka was standing there, Natsu Dragneel, Hope Ellendiel and Kuroko Shirai were at her side as Happy and Elli flew overhead.

"So you have come." Dravis nodded his head. "Good...finally, I can end this."

"Oh it's going to end alright." growled Natsu as intense flames engulfed his body. "But we're the ones who'll be doing the ending."

"Foolish you not realize what it is that lies behind me?" said Diablo gesturing to the circle behind him.

"Oh I don't know." growled Mikoto sarcastically. "A teleporter to the nearest Bastards R Us?"

"When did you come up with that one?" said Kuroko.

"I admit, I've been thinking that one every freaking time I've ever looked at him." said Mikoto as sparks began jumping out of her bangs

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 4: Royal BloodlinesWhere stories live. Discover now