Dravis's Secret Objective

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Diablo walked along the beach in the moonlight, at his side was Aurmnus Rager. Ahead of him, Dravis slithered along the sand.

Over the past day, Dravis's growth had sped up exponentially. He was massive compared to his formally weak form. Though he was still a tiny speck compared to what he was at full strength, he had now reached the size of the average dragon.

"I thought we were just watching what was happening between the whole princess assasination scheme." said Aurumnus. "What's the deal Dravy? Getting bored?"

"Quite the contrary..." said Dravis. "In truth, I am quite entertained by the battle between these assasins and Fairy Tail. But I felt that it was time to reveal the second reason I brought us to this island.......do not worry yourselves, Black Whisper and Hades already know of this."

"I suspected as much." said Diablo. "You always were the secretive one Dravis. So tell us, what is this new game we are playing..?"

"You could call it insurance." Said Dravis. "As you probably know, I have with me the second half of the prophecy that involves me and Misaka.....the half that was kept within the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. I read it, and within it I saw a great truth unlike any I have ever encountered in the vast multiverse. And through it I discovered the only way to be rid of the Railgun's destiny to destroy me...... there must be another player in the game. Ahhh....here we are."

Dravis stopped at a point on the beach and touched a large talon into the sand. There was a rumbling sound and the sand sank in to the ground to reveal a large square hole in the ground with massive  ancient stone stairs going down into darkness.

"Come." said Dravis. "All your questions will be answered within."

Dravis down the steps, followed by Aurumnus and Diablo.

"Hey Diablo...any of this strike you as spooky?" said  Aurumnus.

"I do not fear darkness." said Diablo. "Much of my heart is comprised of it....my blood is liquid fear."

"Yeah....almost forgot you're a creepy horror yourself." said Aurumnus as he looked at the ancient ruins that adorned the crumbling walls of the hall they were walking through. "This must be like paradise for you eh?"

"I prefer a warmer climate." said Diablo.

Dravis stopped in the hall for a moment and touched a talon to the wall they had just come to. On it was golden plated engraving of Thundaarix. Her neck was bent in what appeared to be prayer as her forehead touched a man wearing a crown with elegant armor.

"Mmmm..." said Aurumnus licking his lips. "That gold looks tasty."

Dravis pryed off a segement of the gold plating with one talon and tossed it to Aurumnus who caught it in his mouth. "Help yourself......I hold no liking for Thundaarix.

Dravis charged through the wall, destroying it easily, and revealing a large room. The room was large enough to hold the palace of the King of Fiore within it. Massive statues erected in Thundaarix's honor intertwined and crossed along the high cieling of the room like golden serpents. In the center of the room was a large platform with stairs that crossed up to it. At the center of the platform sat a stone dragon that was the only statue that wasn't of Thundaarix. It was of an elegant and beautiful dragon who was even more graceful then any female dragon that had come after it. There was a large hole in the cieling that had a large beam of light that came down upon the statue like a glowing tower.

"Behold...." said Dravis. "The chamber Elanis Lord of Creation........She, along with me were the first two dragons to walk upon the plane of existance. I represented destruction and she represented growing things and the beauty of intelligence. We are the ying and yang of the multiverse.....always having been involved in constant battle."

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