Underlying Omens

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Darkness.......that was what could be seen.....that was all that could be heard....that is what Mystia saw in her future. Unless she could somehow find her master. The strange mage stood in an empty dark room within the tallest tower of the palace of Fulmen. Her dark cape billowing in the wind from the open window and her green clothed mask obscuring the upper part of her face, her long midnight blue hair shined in the moonlight. On her back she had 4 magic staffs, a fifth she held in her right hand, the last things she had recieved from her master before he dissapeared years ago.

Mystia had been apprentice to who used to be a very well known yet not well known mage by the name of Mystogan. When she had just been a girl of about 5, the man name Jellal had helped her....taught her magic....and given her purpose. After she had reached around 7 years of age, Jellal, now taking the name Mystogan, had left, telling her she knew all she needed to survive.

Ever since that day, she had been searching for her master, using all the magic she had learned to track him. After a while, she had learned of Mystogan joining a guild called Fairy Tail......but by then it had been too late, Mystogan had dissapeared from the face of the Earth. When she had gone to the Grand Magic Games a year ago, she could tell the man who fought Jura Neekis was not Mystogan. When he performed and copied her master's magic, it had been a cheap version......the magic was so unskilled in it's use that she could tell it was borrowed.......after watching that display, she didn't even wait to see the man's true magic whoever he was.

But she had not put Fairy Tail off the list quite yet. So she continued to investigate....sticking to Fairy Tail like fish to water.

"There is treachery riddled all over this place...." muttered Mystia as her midnight blue hair flowed in the wind. "Though it has nothing to do with my master.........It would not do to let Fairy Tail face it alone...."

"So it was you........and here I thought Mystogan had returned." Grimmix suddenly appeared within the room, like a dark breadth of wind.  "He did quite the number on me........my sight was taken because he just couldn't stand quietly while I had my fun....."

"Grimmix." breathed Mystia. "Your subordinates are losing their edge.........I still remember when Oblitesco would have actually killed his prey without first being noticed...."

"The Railgun is rather skilled and powerful.." said Grimmix. "I thought you would have known that given you've watched Fairy Tail for quite some time. But you should now know that it's hopeless, you'll never find your master."

"That's not for you to decide.....whether I find him or not, I won't give up....even if it takes till I grow old and die.......so save your petty idiocy." Mystia raised her staff.


Energy glowed on the staff's large fin, but Grimmix merely laughed. "Do you have any idea how many times Mystogan has tried that on me!? I haven't slept in one thousand years.......I havn't eaten, drank, or even aged......a curse I am forced to live with."

"A curse well deserved." Said Mystia. "But I've worked on my skills since we've last met."

Mystia hit the end of her staff against the floor. "2 Layered Magic Circle: Siren's Voice."

Two magic circles opened up on either side of Grimmix. Grimmix dissapeared in a flash as the two circles connected in a powerful horizontal column of light.

Grimmix reapeared behind Mystia and put a hand on her stunned shoulder. "Mystogan trained you well.....however, your magic is nowhere near that of his...."

"Shut up!!" growled Mystia. "SKYSCRAPER!!"

A massive light surrounded Grimmix and he shot through the cieling. The city below him grew smaller and smaller below him as he went higher and higher into the sky. A tear in space appeared above him, and a grinning monster reached out towards him, ready to devour all things.

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 4: Royal BloodlinesWhere stories live. Discover now