The Golden Ghost Dragon

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"The truth...I understand now..." said Diablo as he stood within the dark throne room. "It lies within this very place......the very truth to what the prophecy holds in store for the Railgun......for all of Fairy Tail. For the entire world..."

Diablo paced the throne room as if looking for hidden crevice in which he could find the answer. The second half of the prophecy was here, he knew it!

Dravis's voice spoke out from the gloom. "What you seek is pointless. I have the only copy of the second half of the prophecy that was within the Index Librorum Prohibitorum."

"We were all fooled by Thundaarix and my brother Angelus." said Diablo. "They created another copy in case you were to obtain the other half yourself. I must find it..."

"And to what reasons would you wish to seek a prophecy of one's destiny that does not concern you?" asked Dravis.

"To know the destiny of finally know what befalls her in the end."

"And what makes you so sure that Misaka dies in the end of all things?"

"Rumors." said Diablo. "Rumors that the prophecy doesn't just entail the death of you at the Railgun's hands...but also the death of the Railgun...."

"A death that will never occur in that manner as I shall ensure that the prophecy never comes to past." said Diablo. "You forget Exisio too easily Diablo."

"I must at least know what would happen should it occur.." said Diablo. "And if you won't tell me the prophecy, I will find it myself."

"I warn you Diablo. Only one who has dragon's blood within them can read it." said Dravis.

"And has this protective enchantment ever prevented one of my race from reading such a thing?" asked Diablo.

"No creature of your race has ever tried."

"Then I will try myself." said Diablo. "And confirm whether it can be done."

"So you seek the truth..." said Dravis. "The truth of the fate of Railgun and Fairy Tail.

"I must know...If I will be the one to finally kill her.." murmured Diablo. Diablo continued to look around the throne room.  "....I must know....I must..."

"....." Dravis's voice remained silent, but Diablo could tell he was listening intently. Listening for  a sign that Diablo might betray him. But Diablo wasn't about to betray any force he had loyalty to. Had he been that kind of person, he would have killed Black Whisper years ago.

He held loyalty to all those with great ambition. And Dravis had great ambition, that was all there was to it. While his goals might deviate from the original plans of his masters, he was not going to go off the map completely.

The Railgun, however, was a stranger part of the puzzle. She was somebody that had defeated Diablo utterly..even if she was only able to do it thanks to the combined power of two other Dragon Borns. Diablo had to complete the half circle of defeat with a half circle of victory. Otherwise he would not achieve balance within himself.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, that's something that the puny Earthlanders of both dimensions had come up with. But it could not hold truer for Diablo. A defeat for a defeat. Nothing personal, but that had to be achieved.

"I hope that you haven't forgotten our other objective." said Dravis. "I don't know if you haven't noticed, but the ranks of your guild are now two short...."

"Feel no worry, I have already picked a candidate to fill Aqualas's spot as number one among the Deadly Three." said Diablo. (The Deadly Three is what the 3 most powerful mages in Hydra Head are referred to as. The Deadly Three is comprised of Diablo Etwatia, Noiress Blackout, and formerly Aqualas. In order to be qualified for the Deadly Three, your magical power has to be at least 20 % stronger then that of a Wizard Saint).

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