Going Merry is Going Down

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Far from the palace, back in the docks of the Fulmen's port, was the ship that Fairy Tail and the other guilds had come in. In all respects, it was a normal ship, with it's own kitchen, dining room, quarters, and everything. However, the previous owner had loved the ship with quite a fierceness in his heart. In fact, out of respect to an old pirate legend, the ship had been named The Going Merry.  She even had her prow carved in the shape of a cheerful goat like the ship of legend.

As it so happened, The Going Merry still had a few passengers in her food galley.......passengers, who actually weren't supposed to be in there.

Kuroko Shirai, Saten Ruiko, and Uiharu Kazari were currently sitting on the floor of the storage area debating whether they should go out or not.

"I think it's time." said Saten. "I mean, we can't stay here forever, or we'll miss everything!"

"But if we move out only after 3 days she'll definitely send us home!" said Kuroko. "We need to wait until Sissy is too into this job to mind before we go out."

"I think three days is enough Kuroko..." said Uiharu as she clutched her stomach hungrilly. "I mean, we're almost out of food in here."

When Mikoto had first been sent that fateful job request, Kuroko had been pretty suspicious. She had gone with Mikoto to the guild hall numerous times and seen exactly how a job was taken. To be sent a job letter personally.....well, she couldn't help herself, she had to come along.

However, Markarov had put his foot down.

"I appologize, but as you aren't actually a member of the guild, you can't exactly go on the job." said Markarov. "If whoever hired us spotted some non guild members on the ship they expected body gaurds to come from, they would suspect some sort of treachery, it's a very tricky situation."

"Well then," Kuroko had said. "Make me a guild member! I don't know why I didn't do it earlier since Sissy is in it, but I'm joining Fairy Tail!"

And so she had, now having a guild mark on her lower back. (She thought about several more perverted areas.......but Mirajane recommended against it.... Who else but Kuroko?)

But by the time she had joined, she realized that Mikoto had already left for the ship and was boarding it. Knowing she only had about 20 minutes, she had teleported around as fast as she could, gathered up Uiharu and Saten (All the while forgetting what Markarov had said about non guild members) and spent her first moments as a Fairy Tail member stowing away inside The Going Merry.

"Please, please, let's just get out now..." said Uiharu. "I'm....starving..."

"Alright." sighed Kuroko. "I guess there's no holding it off now...I guess we can go now."

Kuroko got up and walked up the stairs to the door of the galley. But just as she was about to turn the knob, she heard voices.

"We need to get away from the island, it isn't safe for you anymore." said a voice.

"But I can't just abandon my people to that horrid Diablo person, I CAN'T!"

"Men....we're not abandoning them....men...." said another voice (Ichiya). "We're merely keeping you and Mikoto safe while we figure out a better strategy......men..."

"Ichiya..." said Mikoto's voice. "How can you speak so seriously.....and still pose like you're at a photoshoot!!"

"Force of habit.....men!"

"In any case." said a voice that sounded like Erza's. "We should probably gather some reinforcements from our guilds. Diablo's too powerful to defeat with the forces we have now, and Gore is at least at Jura's level with the kind of endurance he has."

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