Designed To Kill Me

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"SSSMAAAAAASSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Crashing sounds rippled through the forest as trees fell from the intense battle that was taking place.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are...." said Exisio in a taunting voice as he got up from slicing a tree in half with his claws. "You can't hide forever."

Like a mirage, Mystia faded into view and thrust her large staff outwards. "One Layered Magic Circle: Phantom Bolt!!"

A large blast of purple energy shot out of a magic circle that had formed at the head of the staff. Exisio flipped away, dodging the blow easily. "Hahahahaha!!!! Missed again!!"

Exisio leapt forward and swiped at Mystia with his claws, but Mystia faded away like a ghost and reapeared 50 meters away. "And it looks like you've missed again as well."

" really are Mystogan's apprentice." said Exisio. "You've got all his tricks memorized right down to the letter."

"How would you know that?" said Mystia. "You were only just born..."

"Ohhh..." said Exisio. " know of my really have been doing your research little girl. Well, to answer your question, when I was born, my Father's ancient knowledge was downloaded into a program if you wish to look at it from the Science World's point of view."

"I see...." said Mystia. "No wonder.......But I'm afraid that is as far as you'll ever know of anything.....because I'm going to kill you before you get the chance to learn anything else..."

"Harsh." said Exisio. "But I was never one to just lie down and take my beatings....... "ROAR OF THE DEATH DRAGON!!!!!"

Exisio opened his mouth and a large blast of blackish, reddish, energy propelled outwards.

Mystia held her staff out. "Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water."

3 Magic Circles opened up in front of Mystia like a shield and absorbed the blast. Then, like a mirror, the blast richocheted right back at Exisio.

Exisio dodged the repelled blast easily and used his claws to cling to a nearby tree like a strange lizard. Exisio cackled as he slithered up the tree like a gecko, "Foolish girl....I was designed to destroy the will take more then a pitiful trick like that to destroy me!!"

"You think I don't know that?" said Mystia. "I know more about Hydra Head then you think Exisio. I haven't just been following Fairy Tail you know......"

"Hehehehehehe.....I imagine you've been all over the place." said Exisio. "Your meddling in the affairs of others knows no bounds....however, it seems you have such confidence in your abilities that you forget that my colleagues also can take more then just a single hit from you."

The ground behind Mystia burst as Gore Beastwalker came out of the earth and grabbed Mystia in a massive restraintive hug. "How boring....that blow you hit me with didn't even come close to my last combatant......Now Laxus Dreyar,.....that was a real fight."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Aurumnus Rager came out from in between the trees. "Did you know that before Aqualas snuffed it, I was the 4th strongest right under Noiress? My friend all the way back home is 5th would take more then a spell at that level to snuff any of us out."

Aurumnus took from his pocket a solid gold bar. "It's such a pity that food for us Golden Dragon Slayers are so rare.....makes it hard to find a good snack if you know what I mean." Aurumnus took a large bite out of the gold bar.

Mystia grinned. "You didn't think I underestimated you after watching for so long did you?"

Mystia's body started glowing with a bright burning light. "Take from the hand that feeds you......learn from the one that teaches you.....heed the songs that warn you.....and pass the knowlege you recieve............."

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