The Escape Of Exisio

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Accelerator walked through the town of Fulmen...everywhere he turned, he either saw houses with closed shutters, or a random charred skeleton roaming the streets, looking for those who hadn't gone into their homes and followed the curfew enforced by Diablo. 

Accelerator shook his head. What had this place come to? Accelerator had come to Fulmen once with Gildarts on a mission to catch some high level dark guild, back then, the town had been so full of life and cheer, he considered bringing Last Order and MISAKA Worst with him this time...but now he was glad he hadn't brought them...this place had become a ghost town full of demons...

"Keh.." spat Accelerator. "Diablo's got some nerve messing this place up."

Accelerator took out his gun and took a moment to shoot an angry skeleton creature's skull. The skeleton exploded into dust as soon as it's skull blew apart. 

"Now where are you Exisio!?" Accelerator called out into the gloom. "I know you're out there...are you really just too much of a straight up coward to even look me in the eye? How pathetic..."

There was a blazing shadow behind Accelerator, and Exisio appeared standing there. "You shouldn't have said something like I'll have to kill you."

Accelerator grinned maliciously. "Oh..I'm sorry. Did I hit a nerve? How cute."

Exisio looked surprised at Accelerator's reaction. " aren't repulsed by my form? You don't fear me at all?"

"Repulsed...yes." said Accelerator. " Actually I'm rather excited...ever since Diablo, there really hasn't been anybody strong to fight...everybody I come up against is either completely weak, or overestimates their abilities so much that me and the Old Geezer take em down too easily.  I'm hoping you're not either of the two.." (Old Geezer is what Accelerator calls Gildarts.)

"Hehehehe..." said Exisio. "I'm hoping the same...but if you're anything close to the Railgun, this might actually be quite fun."

"Yes..I heard you were designed to kill the Number 3." said Accelerator turning to face Exisio. "What? Is Dravis getting so desperate that he needs to send in his own specialized terminator?"

"I wouldn't call my father desperate.." said Exisio. "It's a strategic ensure his victory is secure."

"Still sounds desperate to me." said Accelerator.

"So I see you're a member of Fairy Tail.." said Exisio noticing the purple guild mark on Acclerator's neck. "That means I get to hit you twice as hard!!!"

"DESTRUCTIVE SLASH OF THE DEATH DRAGON!!!!" Exisio raised his clawed hands which became engulfed in black reddish energy. Exisio slashed his claws downwards at Accelerator, the entire ground vibrating with power. 

There was a huge explosion of black magic energy and Exisio was thrown back into the cobblestone road, his arm bleeding sizzling black blood.  Accelerator stood in the same spot he had before, his hand on the electrode of the choker around his neck. 

"Heheheh!" Accelerator chuckled. "Care to try that again?"

Exisio growled and began to circle Accelerator menacingly..what had that power been just now? Exisio had hit this strange white haired boy with nearly all his power, yet the boy had deflected the blow like it was nothing...and to top it off, Exisio had not felt an inch of magic energy from this guy when he deflected the blow.

"Are you some kind of esper?" said Exisio with a scowl.

"What do you think?" spat Accelerator. "Now here's a question from me..where the heck do you get off looking like a burned lizard man with eye problems?"

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