Angelus and Diablo, The Battle Between Ying And Yang

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Diablo walked along the center of the city of Fulmen. Already, he could see battle scars all over the buildings and deserted streets. Indeed, the official guilds had already taken down many of his forces. Dust lay where his skeleton minions once stood. But...this wasn't why he was here.

Diablo looked across the central square to see none other then his brother Angelus standing there in full battle form. 

"You're late." said Angelus. "Usually you would have found me by now. "

"So..." said Diablo. "You've finally abandoned the last bit of your cowardice to face your fate. How amusing. How is that scar I gave you holding up?"

"I won't lie. It's pain grows with every passing day." said Angelus. "But you need not worry. I'm not here to win. Merely to weaken you so your true opponent may finally destroy you."

"You make it sound as if Misaka will actually stand a chance." said Diablo. "She cannott assume the form she used to defeat me unless two other Dragon Born's of differing elements assist her."

"No...but she does have another power I have witnessed." said Angelus.

"She bears no control over her Level 6 form." said Diablo. "Surely you must know this."

"I speak not of a power of science or magic." said Angelus. "She bears a strong heart unlike any I have ever seen. She bears the burdens of the entire multiverse on her shoulders, yet she presses on and continues to fight the battle despite how fruitless it may seem. This power, you will soon realize, is more dangerous then any ancient magic our race possesses."

"Such nonsense." said Diablo. "You sound like our pathetic mother."

"She was wiser then either you or I, brother." Said Angelus. "Had we realized this...our race might have survived."

"Enough talk." said Diablo as the ground began to shake with impossible power. "It is time to end this once and for all!!"

Diablo launched himself at Angelus as the latter did the same. The moment their fists met in the center of the square, an earthquake of incredible capacity occurred...and it did not go unnoticed.

Far on the other end of the city near the palace of Fulmen, Mikoto, Natsu, Kuroko and Hope all stumbled as the entire island shook.

"That magic aura..." said Mikoto looking towards the center of the city with shock. "I-I've never felt anything like it. Th-that's can anything have so much power!?"

"It's like two gods are fighting each other." said Hope. "I-incredible..."

Back at the square, Diablo and Angelus both leapt back from each other panting. 

"Hmmm...your power has not faltered since our last meeting." said Angelus.

"You on the other hand, have gotten that injury has taken it's toll." said Diablo. "A pity, had it not been for that, you would actually have a chance of winning."

"Like I said." said Angelus thrusting his armored hand out. "I'm not here to win! "ANGEL'S MERCY!! STRIKE THE EVIL ONE!!!"

A humungous beam of pure white light blasted at Diablo who held his hand out before him and blocked the blast. Diablo grunted as the blast pushed him farther and farther back, his feet drew gouges in the ground as he went farther and farther back.

"I won't be so easily defeated!" growled Diablo. "RELENTLESS DESTRUCTION OF THE DAMNED!!!!"

A powerful beam of molten magma fused with dark energy blasted out from Diablo's hand and blasted against Angelus's own light beam. As the two powerful magic blasts pushed against each other, the ground shook again with a tremendous earthquake. The clouds above began to swirl and turn dark.  The wind  blew intensely and twisters and tornados began to form near the battle scene.

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