Before reading this translation book of Colors by wangkongbean, I think it would be great if you go to wangkongbean's page and vote all the chapters in the original book. Because the one who deserved the votes is wangkongbean and not me ^^ (Visit 'wangkongbean's page and read the original story, it's not like I've changed the plots though. Just a suggestion ^^)
Ingat ya, sebelum baca buku ini, ada baiknya vote semua chapter di buku aslinya. Colors by wangkongbean ^^
Don't forget to thank wangkongbean for making such a good book ^^ Terima kasih, Kong.
The plots and the characters aren't mine. I'm here just trying to share the story. Don't hate me, please.
And lastly, I dedicated this book to wangkongbean, my new friend. I love you, Kong and I love you all.
Fanfiction"Diantara 7 juta warna yang dapat dilihat oleh mata manusia, dan 48 pensil warna milikmu yang dapat kau gunakan, mengapa kau hanya menggunakan warna hitam, putih, dan merah?" Aku menunduk, mencoba untuk memikirkan jawaban yang tepat Entahlah, mungki...