This Cruel World

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This is Alex. What do u think?

My heart was shattered, my brain in a fog. What had I just done? After everything I'd gone through to get here...and I just threw it all away. What was wrong with me?! Tears fell down my lashes, he had to understand, He WOULD day,  I sighed, "one day he'll forgive me."

Let me go back to the beginning...

My life wasn't always like this. It wasn't filled with worry of being able make it through the night. It wasn't drowned in hatred towards the ones who'd taken my home and left me on the streets, along with my friends and everyone else I knew. Well....what was left of them.
I used to be the average teenager, a girl that blended in with every other kid in town. The most drama I had was listening to my friends describing their first kiss and latest breakup. But that was then.....

6 Aug, 2014

"Alex!" Someone shouted, making me jump up from the angelic comfort of my bed.
"Alex!" My mother yelled again, her voice full of annoyance.
"I'm up now!" I said, stretching my unwilling muscles and finally forced myself out from under the covers. It was going to be a long day.
Glancing at the clock, the anticipation was eating me alive.
Today was the first day back to school from Fall break, for all Tamlin High students. I would be attending  my second year there, as a sophomore, with my friend Makala. As for my other two friends, Sean and Jeremy, who were attending for the rest of their Junior year. It had been awhile since the four of us had all seen each other together, two weeks. So today was the day to have a little fun. Who knows what we would come up with.

Rummaging through my laundry I decided to wear a dark black crop top, black jeans and combat boots. Wanting to make a good impression on my friends and scare the freshman a bit. Then quickly grabbing my bag I rushed downstairs and grabbed my keys to the house, hearing Sean's truck horn go off in the driveway. 

 Yelling my goodbyes to my mother I rushed out the door and into my friends car. I wanted to be at school early today so I could see my other friends and maybe talk to some of the other students to catch up. Luckily Sean didn't mind going early either, he had the same ideas that  did. 

My house wasn't very far from his, fifteen minutes when there was traffic, and it was on the way to school anyways, another ten minute drive. 

Soon enough the truck came to a stop and as fast as I could I rushed inside the building and caught glimpses of a few friends of mine. Waving I got tons of smiles in return and a few waves back. But that's not what I was most excited for. 

Chuckling to myself I watched as a few students started to avert their gaze as I walked over to my locker, they must have been the freshman. But quickly my attitude changed when I caught sight of Makala and Jeremy holding hands in front of her locker. 

Squealing I ran over, managing to make a few people look over in surprise at my happy stature. I wanted to burst out laughing. 

Makala came up to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and smiling, "So how was your fall break? Let me guess, you sat around and slept all day?"  

I groaned, "I wish! Do you know what I had to do?! My mom made me help her work at the shop and I needed to get Aunt Jenny moved out of her apartment and into her new house! She's mean! I even told her how busy I was with soccer training and she said that she didn't care about that until I finished packing!" 

Holding my arms I could feel the muscles stiffen from being sore all week. 

"Well guess what I did?!" Makala squealed, piercing my ears. 

"Oww" I said, watching as she rolled her eyes and continued her story;

"So of course I had my daily routine of soccer training, you know coach would be pissed if I didn't keep up with it. But I went over to a party that was hosted at Dilanie's house! Dude, have you seen the posts of how big her house is?!"

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