The Beginning Of The End

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During the middle of class, I was able to take a test, write some new notes and figure out what I was going to do about my history project that was due in a few months. 

Jillian didn't come back today, the teacher told us that she was staying in bed for the next few days to recover, making me sigh. I was glad she was okay.

The rest of my classes were going okay until sixth period. I was studying in class, my earbuds in and music blaring. It was dark outside, the wind shaking the windows, when the lights went out. Turning my music off I could hear the sound of thunder close to campus. 

"Students I'm sure its fine!" Mr. Blake's voice rang out through the room, "it should come back on in a minute but for now will you please...and just this once take out your phones. You may turn on the flashlight and proceed with your studies." 

Nobody listened. Instead we all went to look outside the window, it was now raining outside, fog drifted through the air.

 "How are we going to get home?" I heard someone murmur, his voice was so quiet that I thought that it was a ghost.

"It's too hard to drive in this fog" I heard another say.

Commotion rang through the room for a good five minutes, people arguing on what we were going to do once school released. Everyone would have to either wait here till the fog cleared or walk safely to their homes. Which wouldn't be possible to the ones who lived far away.

Soon enough the door opened and someone entered. It was Sean. "The principal has notified some of the teachers that the power is out for the rest of the night and maybe even longer than that. We are to tell everyone to call their parents and tell them whats happening. We cannot continue school until the power is fixed. In order to restore the order on the roads, everyone is told to drive no more than fifteen miles, to avoid accidents. This is being put on the news as we speak," some people cheered. 

Others were confused and then there was me. I was...well I was worried. Looking at my phone I noticed something, a news report.

Power is out all over Aldra. Nobody knows what has happened but has taken extreme caution for the next few days to come. People are questioning if this is a hacking incident from Scalden or maybe from a huge storm heading across most of our country. Everyone is in a panic. 

Running out of the room I caught up with Sean, Jeremy and Makala. "Guys..." My voice shook as I held out my phone, the power is's all over the country. How is that possible? This isn't real right? This is movie type stuff." 

Their eyes widened, "what the fuck!" 

Walking over to Sean's car I turned to them, "We're all going to my house. Now! You can sleep over and we can figure out what's going on. We can't go home alone like this" 

They all nodded, getting into their cars and safely driving away.

Makala and Jeremy texted me that they were going to stop at their houses and grab clothes, while Sean and I stuck together. I agreed, telling them to be safe and smart on the road. It was a good idea, Sean wanting to stop at his house too, so I was stuck in the car with him. 

Tonight it would be freezing. It was the middle of winter after all. 

"What do you think happened?" My voice was low in order to keep the fear from showing.

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