Wake Up Call

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Sometime in the morning I woke up in Sean's lap, he was asleep, eyes closed and lips parted. My eyes still felt a little puffy and my stomach was sore, probably from crying so much. Getting up I saw Makala and Jeremy, her head on his shoulder both sleeping. There were two blankets on them and another two on Sean and I. Even though they had holes and were burnt off in some places. But it was enough. I could only imagine how it was like in other parts of the world like Restfal or Sonier. In Madrier we were lucky.

Starting to get up i wanted to walk away from camp for a minute, but a hand pulled me back "Don't leave. Not right now." I looked back at Sean, how had I not heard him move? 

"After us? People are after us?! I don't give a shit if they started to shoot at me now! I need to see if my mom's okay!" I pulled out of his grip but before long his arms were wrapped around me in an embrace, "We will get your mom just wait a little longer,please." my head was against his chest and a few tears tried to go down my cheeks but I wouldn't let them. I'd had enough crying for a few days.

 "Can I just wander around for a bit to clear my head? Alone" I added, but he just shook his head, "I need to go with you. We can't lose you too." 

My eyes pierced his, "Too? What do you mean lose you too?" 

Eyes widening he backed up, "no I meant..." His eyes showed true horror at what he had just revealed. 

"Who Sean? Who did we lose?" 

He was silent for a minute but then dread crossed over me as he said "Everyone."

I felt as if the whole world was collapsing around me, that the air in my lungs had been replaced with poison. At some point I realized that Sean was talking to me but his words were caught in the wind and taken away. "A........ex" he called for me, his voice was heard in my mind and all the way down to my bones. "Alx........back" the voice was louder this time, "Alex come back" it said again and again. But honestly I didn't want to. Why would I go back to a world full of pain and hate and death? 

Who was left? Was everyone really dead? Questions swirled through my mind until finally, I did go back. Because I realized that, what if my mom was alive? What if she was out looking for me? Now out of my daze I felt weak and lost, Sean was still calling my name. Taking a step forward I stumbled but was caught in a pair of arms as I went out like a light. Back into the oblivion.

When I was finally awake for more than five minutes I was able to hear Sean and Jeremy, they were talking about something of importance, not aware that I was listening. "If she isn't up by morning than we have to leave her" Jeremy said, as Sean clenched his fists.

 "I love her" was all I heard as a breeze came and their words were muffled. By the time it stopped their conversation was over, Sean looked angry. Starting to walk away he must of felt my gaze on him because the next thing I knew, he turned around and saw me. Our eyes met and all his anger seemed to slip away. He was beside me in an instant, our noses were so close that if I wanted to, I could kiss him.

Feeling his hand on my cheek he smiled, "how are you feeling?"

 My throat was scratchy so instead of answering I just said, "water please". 

In record time he grabbed a water bottle and tilted it back for me to drink even when I could do it myself. "How long?" I asked, my words were short but he understood me. "Four days"

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jeremy walk out of camp, into the darkness of the forest. 

"I thought you said that we can't wander out alone" my voice was firm.

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