Old Occurances

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Once Maliki was a good enough distance away from the others I could remember him throwing me off of his shoulder, into the dirt and knocking me out cold. That was it.

And then I was awake again.

Opening my eyes I could see that I was inside a huge tent and laying on a hammock, swinging from two long posts. It was dark, there was only a lantern hug in the corner across from me. My head pounded. It felt like there was a hammer and I was the bell.

I couldn't see very well and my body was paralyzed. It made me want to scream. But even my throat was to dry to yell out for help. I needed water.


As if answering my prayers I could see Maliki out of the corner of my eye, he held a glass of water in his hand, giving it to me, along with two ibuprofen.

Giving him a raised eyebrow I didn't know if I trusted him but what the hell. What else could he do to me? I already had a concussion and I couldn't even sit up. I was useless.

So I grabbed it, taking the water as if it was gold. Never in my life had I ever been this thirsty. I ignored Maliki's smug grin, he could shove it up his.... I took a deep breath. He wasn't worth it.

Falling back into the comfort of my pillows I could tell that Maliki had something to say, "just get on with it," I groaned, my voice hoaese.

He looked like a lost puppy. Unwanted and alone.

Good. Served him right.

All's I wanted to do was scream at him, to put my hand around his neck and never let go but I restrained myself. If I couldn't sit up then how was it going to be able to reach him? Besides, I needed my strength so that I could pay him back later.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry." He murmured, suddenly taking interest in the dirt floor.

I scoffed, "If you were sorry than you would go kill yourself." he looked down and for a second I almost thought I caught pain in his eyes.

But as soon as I saw it, it was gone. I must have imagined it I told myself. He doesn't have any feelings. He's just a mindless demon that wanted to make everyone's life hell. He was weak. Using everyone's misery in order to make himself seem great.

If he was so great, if he had the best army in the world than how could I kill four of his men in ten minutes? I would love for him to try and explain that to me?

"I wish everything could of turned out different. I wish that...god I wish a lot of things!"

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, I wish that I could be as far away from you as possible but someone's people just don't get what they want!"

He shrugged, looking up at me he grinned, putting up his smug composure. "I got you though didn't I?"

As if.

"You may have captured my body, but you haven't captured my heart" I restorted, knowing that it was a killer blow.

He flinched, as if I had just told him news of his dog dying. "You know..." He gave me a glare, "..I should've killed Shanik when I had the chance. Maybe I should of had you stand and watch as I tore him apart piece by piece myself!" his voice was cold, filled with hate and anger, but I didn't bother showing him anything back other than pure joy.

"Well I guess you'll have to change plans now won't you."

I grinned, watching him as he kicked the dirt and started to leave my tent, then he turned back around for a second, "well your friend didn't exactly end up okay like you wanted either, now did he? What was his name.... Stiles?"

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