Battle Of Wits

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Later by the fire I could spot Stiles, he had saved a seat by him and a plate of food for me.

 "So how did training go?"

I shrugged, "It was alright. But I'm more of a flight not fight person, unless absolutely necessary, I'm always able to get out of trouble" 

He nodded, taking a breath"I get that...." then he paused, "I was just like you as a kid, I didn't believe that i would ever kill another person but then the time came and all my beliefs changed." 

I froze, "how old were you?" 

He thought about it for a minute, " I was twelve."

I gasped, "how...?" 

"With my group of folks we have a rite of passage, my first kill was someone who deserved it more than anyone. He abused and raped others until their deaths. I didn't hesitate as I drove the knife through his heart" 


 So what about everyone else? The innocent, the children, the animals in this world? What about them?! I couldn't understand him, why he lies. Everyone that I loved dearly could be dead right now because of him and his fellow comrades. 

If he wants me to be on his side then he should tell the truth, his reasons for wanting everyone dead, all of his motives. But it was already to late to change my mind. I was getting Arlo out of here, tonight. No matter what it took. I saved his life, he'd saved me twice, now I owed him. That was the only way I'd be able to feel better. Now that I wasn't able to save my friends, my family, this might make up for a little bit of it. I didn't just want this, I needed this. 

Pretending to be even more interested in Stiles's conversation I faked a yawn, "I'm going to bed, I need to be ready for tomorrows training" 

He nodded, " don't worry about it. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Alright?" 

I agreed. 

Entering my tent all I needed to do was wait. Wait for everyone to go to bed and for the fire to go out. Then what was left of the guards were mine, I wouldn't kill them, but I'd leave them unconscious, or avoid them just so I would have a better chance at escape. 

I didn't want Maliki as my enemy. Especially because he was trying to take over the world and had basically accomplished it already. So why would I think that I could escape him? I had no idea, but I knew I had to try. For Sean. For everyone who I'd failed.

After a few hours I was surrounded by total darkness, meaning that the fire was out and everyone was asleep in their tents, nice and cozy. This was my chance. Slowly unzipping my tent I peeked my head out, the area was clear. 

I unzipped it farther, putting a leg outside, I was about to step outside. 

Suddenly a hand pulled me out by the collar of my shirt, before I could see who it was I was put on top of someones back and before I could scream I was being placed back down.

  Looking at my surroundings I noticed that we were in the clearing that I was normally in for training, then I could see my capturer. It was a very angry looking Maliki. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" 

My brows furrowed as I tried to play it off, "I was using the bathroom" 

he shook his head, "No you weren't. You were trying to escape!" 

I scoffed, "really? Have you noticed me walk away from this camp once today? No! I'm the only girl in this camp and I'd rather not be seen by a bunch of old, greedy men while I'm using the restroom thank you very much"I snapped making him freeze. 

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