A Fight To The Death

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Again I could see Maliki try to circle Sean, it was very intense. Both were big in size but Sean had a slight advantage.

They both were hard to tell apart except for size and their eyes. Although they were the same color, Maliki's were hard and full of hate, while Sean's were soft and calm.

I could notice some of the other wolves, Maliki's companions backing away. This was the two brothers fight. One on one to the death.

So both of them got into a fighting stance.

They were both giving each other warning growls and seeing if one would back off from the other. But nobody did. So they continued. Sean kept himself right in front of me, shielding me from everything, but I moved, standing next to his side I looked at the other wolves in the distance and held my knife out towards them.

Sean looked at me, his eyes pleading for me to not get involved, but I didn't listen. I was already involved.

"Listen you idiot..." I told Sean, "..I'm not leaving you to fight by yourself. There's no way. If you think I'm that kind of girlfriend than your stupid."

There I said it. He didn't want to label it yet, well to bad.

Sighing, Sean never kept his eyes off of Maliki as he nodded, he was agreeing with me! And I wasn't going to let him down. So looking back at the other wolves I swung my whole body around. Aiming for one of their necks and let it hit my mark. One of them fell to the floor, blood gushed down his fur, closing my eyes I didn't want to look at him anymore. I had to continue.

Their were five wolves left. That was a hell of an amount, so rushing over to Makala's bag I slid on my knees, dodging one of the wolves attacks. Then I grabbed out another three knifes, running towards cover an idea formed in my mind.

Climbing one of the trees I got to higher ground and looked down below, two wolves were trying to follow me up, but I wouldn't let them. Throwing two of my knifes I hit one in the middle of his head and the other in the neck. Both were dead.

Three more to go.

Swinging myself down I jumped on one of their backs, I put my hand under his chin and pulled the blade across in a swift motion. Somersaulting off of him I faced two wolves, both were smart enough to work together, this was going to be tough.

But in a blink of an eye I saw one of them shift their movement....and go for the other. What? Both were moving away from me now, circling each other. Until one advanced, jumping onto the other and biting his fur, then they rolled, both had several times to outweigh the other but it just kept going. Each were getting tired. They both had several cuts and scrapes, each as strong as the other. Except for one advantage. Their speed. One suddenly jumped out from being pinned, went behind the other and bit down on his neck. Dead.

This wolf looked at me, collapsing to the floor. Rushing to his side I watched as he transitioned into a boy, it was Stiles!

"Hey Devan" He whispered, putting his head into my lap I tried to calm him a little, "You can call me Alex"

"Alex.." he tried testing it on his tongue, "..what a beautiful name" I laughed, pulling his hair out of his eyes and then gasped. Looking down at his chest i could see a huge gash, blood pooled around him. "Stiles?..." I breathed, " I know. It's okay" He murmured, already fading away.

"Why did you do it?! Why did you this?" He chuckled, "Because...remember the story I told you? About my first kill?" I nodded, "Well it was all true. All of it. I only kill the people who deserve it" Suddenly I felt my heart in my stomach, "And you did that when you saw him..." He cut me off, "I did it.... because he was going to hurt.. my best friend. End of story" Then I could see his eyes flutter shut, his head fell into me and his chest stopped moving. He was dead.


Picking myself up I could see Sean and Maliki still fighting, both were struggling, both were tired. But not me. Adrenaline still coursed through my body, I wanted to finish this.

Grabbing my knife from off the floor I went to all of my other kills and grabbed the other knifes from their bodies and went back to the wolves. Watching them from a few feet away, neither of them payed any attention to me. Both were concentrated on the fight. Perfect.

So I waited...and waited. Until I finally got the perfect opportunity. Jumping in the middle of them, I saw them flinch back. Good. "Stop it! Just stop it!" I screamed, making them jump. "Both of you are trying to get to me correct? Well I have a question for you. What if there was nobody to fight for?" They looked at me, puzzled, "What if I didn't choose either of you? If I ceased to exist? What would you do then?" Sean gave me a look, he knew what I meant.

Instantly they both changed before me, "Alex don't" Sean was the first to speak, "What Sean? It would work wouldn't it?!" He widened his eyes, "God Alex no! You don't get what we're even fighting for!" I scoffed, "Then what is it?!" Maliki growled, "You my love but in different context" My eyebrows furrowed.

But before I could ask another question I could feel a blade pressed to my throat, "Now..where were we Sean?" Maliki's breath made me shiver, I didn't want him anywhere near me. "Let her go!" Sean growled, "If you hurt her..!" Maliki scoffed, "You'll what?! Cry for her to come back?" Sean shut up.

"Good." Maliki grinned, finally turning his attention to me, "you coming home love..." then back to Sean, "..If you get near her I promise that I will end you" Maliki got out before grabbing my hand, making me release my knives. Taking one of them for himself he threw it at Sean before changing into his wolf and running away with me on his back. I was being taken again.

Only this time. I wasn't sure if I'd ever return.

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