Escape Pt. 2

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For a while I really couldn't get up from bed, my head would pound and eyes would water, but once I was used to it I was at least able to walk to the bathroom alone. Thank god. 

Maliki watched me for most of the time, reading me books or just having short conversation with me, until he finally finally got bored and tired, " Alright. Since you don't want me around I might as well get some work done, Damien and Chris will be here to watch you. I'll be back later."

 I scoffed, "Don't even bother!" 

Suddenly he was right next to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek before I could even flinch, then he was gone. 

I blinked, totally off guard.

When I finally gained my composure I started to get mad.

Oooh was he going to get it when he got back, trying to make me forgive him by flattering me. That sneaky little..... 

Focus! I told myself. I needed to get Jeremy and Makala out of here. 

Entering the living room, one of the men, I think it was Chris approached me, "What are you doing up? Zathian.....I mean.." He suddenly stopped talking.

Damien came into the room suddenly, "What he means to say is that you need to get in your room before we get in trouble."

 I pretended to shiver, "all I was going to ask you guys is if you can make a fire? It's freezing in my room!" I made my point by making my teeth chatter. 

"Sorry, we have our orders to keep our eyes on you and to never leave this house." 

I groaned, "And if I end up getting frostbite?! What will he say then? Maybe he will cut you up into little bits and feed you to me as I try and recover. Besides, you have more warmth because your not human!" 

They both exchanged looks, "It's fine," Damien spoke up, "I'll go get wood and you stay here." 

I could tell that Chris didn't approve but he still agreed, he was also afraid of his leader and proffered to not get punished. 

"Thank you," I told Damien, hugging him with all my might, and slipping my hand into one of his pockets before grabbing two pairs of keys. 

Then pulling back, I put my hands in my pockets, acting cold again.  Damien left with a smile on his face before he was out the door. 


One was gone, Now I needed the other to be taken care of. Going into my room, I said that I needed to get some rest, but in reality I went to hide in the closet for a few minutes before I screamed, hoping that Chris would come all the way through the room. 

And just as I suspected he was so stupid that he did. 

Once I could see him, through the crack in the closet door I ran out, closing the bedroom door and locking it with the key that I got from Damien. I smiled in victory, I did it. 


I still had to let my friends out. 

Hearing Chris's yelling I couldn't help but laugh as I opened the other door to Jeremy and Makala.... and what I saw made me gasp. 

Inside the room there were two big wolves, as big as  Shanik! I couldn't believe it! 

 But I didn't care at this point. 

What the hell?! Where were my friends! 

Suddenly the wolves were on me, standing inches in front of my face, I froze. Were they good ones or bad ones?

 Then suddenly I saw a quick flash of movement before I spotted my friends. Makala and Jeremy. 

I screamed.

 Covering my mouth I heard Makala behind me,"Alex I know that you must be in shock right now, I wanted to tell you, I really did! It was just very difficult to bring up in conversation and I didn't want you to hate me."

I didn't answer her, so Jeremy tried talking, "we're sorry about earlier, we didn't want Maliki to see that we still cared for you. He would of used that against us and we didn't want that. We trusted you the whole time, it was all just an act." 

My eyes widened and I could feel my heart pounding through my chest. What was going on? How was this possible?! I was dreaming! I had to be dreaming I....

Taking a moment I started to feel a pain in my chest, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe! Trying to gasp for air I could feel my lungs burning and my throat started to close up. 

The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor, watching as a few words were exchanged by Makala and Jeremy. 

But what were they saying? 

That's when I noticed they were trying to talk to me, their eyes were locked on mine and they held my head up from off the floor. Did I faint? 

Getting up I finally I managed to speak, "You two should probably go. Maliki is going to be back soon."

 Both of their eyes were filled with hurt, but what did they expect me to say?! 

They were wolves!

"Alex..?" Makala tried to look me in the eyes, but I wouldn't let her. That would make her even more worried if she saw how awful I looked. 

 "I need some time to process this okay? Now go. I'm fine I promise, I will meet you later, at the lake remember? I just...I need to look for some stuff left here and then I need to find Sean." Jeremy gave me a look of pity. 

"Alex, Sean's..." I cut him off. 

"He's not dead! I swear if you say that I will never talk to you again! I know he's not dead! He can't be, out of all of us he can't be." 

Jeremy just nodded, "I know. And if anyone can find him, it's going to be you. We put all of our trust in you to be able to do that."


They left.

 Disappearing without a trace, but not before they told me to be careful and be quick. But come on? What was Maliki going to do? They were long gone and I was useless, if he killed me than.... well lets just say I'd put up one hell of a fight first. 

So quickly going through tons of drawers, in the kitchen, in the living room, everywhere. I tried to find something about Sean, I'd seen that they all keep track of their kills, who the person is and when they died. It was strange... and disturbing . But I saw nothing. 

Looking under all the furniture and finally I came to look under the couch, I could see a piece of paper, no.... a folder. It was stuck under there for safety and secrecy purposes I assumed. Even though I knew I should leave, but my curiosity got the best of me.

 Opening it up I found a few different items. A paper, it read the name Shanik. Why Shanik? I had no clue. Then it held a few paw prints and next to them, hand prints. 

Then, taking the folder I shook it, making sure that their wasn't anything else. And there was. It was a picture. And what I saw shocked me to the core, it was Sean! MY SEAN! 

He was maybe fourteen years old, his face showed that he was bored. That he probably didn't want to be there. But why? Why was he in here? I shook my head, putting the folder in the waistband of my pants I finally went outside. Opening the door I wasn't paying much attention until I bumped into someone. A BIG someone. Looking up I could see Chris looking down on me, I cursed. This couldn't be good.

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