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For the rest of the day, we walked on foot to give him a bit of a break. Neither of us said a word. When I looked at him, his eyes showed me that he was hidden in the far depths of his own mind, pondering.

It was nice. We didn't really have much to discuss anyways. At least I didn't think so. But then he had other ideas;

"So Makala and Jeremy should be here in about ten minutes, we can rest for a few minutes," I nodded, thinking that was all he was going to say.

"...Before they get close, can I ask you something?" I nodded again.

"What happened with them? How did you escape?"

I took a deep breath, "I acted as if I was.... basically dead. I made them think that I couldn't hear them, see them or talk at all. It was... hard, draining."

He looked at me, sorrow on his face. " You... you've been gone for weeks. How could you...." He sighed, "Why would you do that to yourself? The feeling of being alone like that. Without moving or... god Alex, without having one interaction at least. It would truly feel as if you were dead"

I didn't answer.

"I'm so sorry. I should've gotten here sooner, I should've fought..."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "There's nothing you could've done. Besides! It's fine, I didn't act that way the Whole entire time"

That seemed to calm him down, but barely. His features were still tense.

"I shouldn't of let my Sadoni.... sorry. I shouldn't be calling you that quite yet. I shouldn't of called you that at all actually," He put his hand through his hair, "let's..."

Suddenly there was movement in the bushes, I turned just in time to see Makala flying through to hug me.

Bracing myself for impact we both fell to the floor together, "I missed you," she said, her voice full of remorse, "I missed you too."

Getting up I barely got a second to breath before Jeremy hugged me, "Where the hell have you been?" He breathed, making my eyes water. I missed them so much.

This time I was the one to pull away, putting a hand over my face to hide my vulnerable state.

"Awe is someone a little happy to see us?"

Jeremy teased making me pick my head up, "Shut up! Why would anyone miss someone as childish as you!"

He laughed, "whatever floats your boat."

I began to run at him, but then Shanik caught me. Pulling me into his chest, and resting his chin on my shoulder. I smiled, what was this for?

"We need to go, we've rested long enough"

Pulling away I saw Jeremy exchange a look with him, I furrowed my eyebrows, puzzled. Then shaking my head, it was probably a boy thing.

Makala smiled, "So are we going to the..."

Shanik growled, "Don't say it out in the open. Maliki's spy's still lurk everywhere. Who knows if they're near."

She nodded, seeming disappointed in herself for not thinking about that before. I didn't say anything. I knew she was getting consolation from her boyfriend, and either way I didn't even know what to say.

Before I knew it, Shanik and Jeremy both switched out of their clothes and soon we were off.

I was still tired because of the earlier situation with Shanik, but I didn't want to fall asleep again either. I felt like I'd be useless just sleeping all the time, even though I'd be useless if I was awake too. It made no sense.

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