New Worries

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For the next two days I kept up my act, Maiki was restless. Entering my tent every house, sleeping next to me during the night. The time I got to myself was used wisely. I would stretch and practice getting out of be, slowly, carefully. I was getting stronger, my head didn't hurt as much as it did before. 

Getting into that routine I sat back down and maintained my normal zombie like position. Luckily I was in place right before Maliki came in, his eyes were bloodshot, hair a mess. He looked mad. But as soon as that thought came into my head I saw him go up to the wooden post, the one that held the tent up. I watched as he walked up to it and hit his fist against the sturdy structure. Crumpling to the floor he started to sob, "Why?!" He yelled, "I didn't mean to. I promise I didn't mean to hit her that hard. I didn't know" He looked frusturated with himself, " I thought.... I didn't know that humans were so fragile! So please, please help her!" getting up he went to my side, grabbing my hand and kissed it, "You can't leave me too" he whispered against my skin, then pulling a strand of hair out of my face he kissed my forehead, I flinched. 

Jumping back Maliki looked at me, "So you can hear me, can feel me..." his eyes hardened, "What have I done to get you to hate me? I kept all your friends alive haven't I. Just for you." I didn't answer, instead I stared off into space, he sighed. Getting up he seeing to be in a worse mood then before, "I'm giving you another chance, that's it. I don't want to have to force you into..... I don't want to do anything that you wouldn't want." 

Once he left all's I could do was think about what he meant. Would he kill my friends? Me? No. I doubted it. He knew that he couldn't kill me, he was attached to me. Just like his brother. And I was attached to his brother, so he couldn't kill Shanik either. It would mean that I would NEVER be on his side, no matter what. I was too important. That was weird to say.

But as long as it kept all of my friends alive, that meant that it was a good thing. 

But enough about that. I had to work right now, get my strength up an be ready. They wanted to take me to a hospital in four days, I had to be able to leave by then. It was my only chance. "God Shanik", I whispered, "Where the hell are you?" I was praying that he was as far away from here as possible, I didn't want him to get caught. I would find him. No matter what, I'd always find him. 

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