Plans In Action

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I was very patient, making sure to wait until it was nightfall. I could hear all the boys near the fire, they we're very loud.

All of them started to yell and battle against one another, doing competitions. Seeing who was the strongest of the bunch, trying to gain ranks amongst each other.

This is the time to leave. They wouldn't even realize I was gone, I thought to myself.

The guards would be busy listening to the chatter and eager to participate, they didn't want to guard me. They thought I was useless and stupid. Not worth protecting.

I made sure to be very quiet with every step I took, every day they never noticed how my footsteps got more and more careful, they didn't notice as I looked for any sign of them, listening to them.

I had it perfect. They also didn't notice how I had saved something from each meal and put it in my bag. Or how each morning I had slowly, carefully removed one of the poles, that held the tent down for a weapon. So then it would be even easier for me escape, under the tent.

Slipping at the bottom of the tent walls I rolled my way across the dirt floor. Then picking myself up I grabbed my weapon and continued to head to the North.

There was a dip right next to the tent, a trench. I skid across the dirt tunnel and made my way across. The trees were inches from my face and then I would be covered by the thickness of the forest. Safe.

I made sure to cover my tracks behind me. Then they wouldn't know which way I'd went, until they transformed into their wolf at least. But I was hoping that by the time they found out I was gone, my scent would fade away. Hopefully....

I'd made it about a mile when finally I couldn't do it anymore, I went into a full out sprint. I wanted to find Shanik, I wanted to be held in his arms and kissed by his lips.

The feeling of being loved, being protected. I missed it. But Shanik gave me those things, he was my guardian angel. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

My mind captured him. His looks, his smell, everything. I felt as if his whole entire being was etched into my soul. I didn't even know where he was and yet I had a feeling in the back of my mind of where to go.

So that's where I went.

I didn't stop. Didn't dare lose the feeling of his location, or risk being taken again by Maliki. I would not stop.

A whole day went by, darkness surrounded me. I had to go slower so I could find my way around without running into anything. I was hungry and tired. I'd gone a whole week or so without walking the distances that I had been before. It took a toll on me.

But I was sooo close. I could feel it in my gut. He was close, I could almost taste it. My mind went crazy just thinking about it. Then I heard it.

A twig snapped.

I turned around, suddenly I felt all the air being sucked out of my chest. My eyes watered and I ceased to move.

I couldn't believe it. The person who was standing in front of me.

"Alex.." he whispered, "Alex is it really you," I didn't answer. I was just trying to take in his presence. I hadn't seen him in what seemed like months.

His hair was coated with mud. His shirt had several blood stains and a rip had made it's way across the bottom of his pants. I knew that he hadn't slept the whole time I was gone. He had rings under his eyes and was swaying from side to side.

I ran at him, giving him a hug of joy. I still didn't say anything, I couldn't. It was unbelievable. We had found each other. Finally.

It felt like a dream.

Suddenly I felt his weight fall onto me. I only had a second to think before I grabbed his body and pulled it into me. He went limp. Unconscious in my arms.

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