Shared Memories

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I had a few more questions that I wanted to ask Shanik but I decided that now was not the time.

"Where is Jeremy and Makala?" 

He sighed, "They are slower than me and has to take a break or two from the start so I'd guess that if we get moving then we can catch then in a day. "

I scoffed, "No way. We are not going anywhere in your condition, you just passed out!" This time he gave me a look, it was full of authority. Suddenly I felt like the wind was being knocked out of me, was this because of him? His aura of being a King, so powerful.

"We need to go. It's riskier if we stay. At least a few hours and then we can rest for the night alright? But I'll sleep better knowing that I'm farther away from them. " 

I nodded, "Stubborn asshole," he laughed, hearing my silent reply.

I saw him go behind the trees before removing his shorts and shirt, or what was left of them. Then he threw them to me before shifting. Bending down I was able to climb on top of his back and grab onto his fur before he ran into a full out sprint. 

"Woah" I breathed, "You weren't this fast last time," he snorted.

That's because my shifter is more exited now that we have you again, I heard in my head. 

"Well as long as you don't get tired easier and pass out again, okay?"

Okay love he said, continuing on our journey. 

At some point I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was on the ground, laying quietly next to Shanik's side. I guessed that he must have slowly shaken me off while he went to change really quick in the woods. Either that or... I shook my head. 

Instead I looked up, noticing all his features. The side of him that was calming. This was a rare moment. when I got to see him without his tough exterior. Brushing his hair out of his eyes I found a moment of peace. No worries of Maliki, or my friends, no news of death or war... just silence. Me and Shanik, alone. It was almost too much. I felt like I shouldn't have it because I'd lose it...and I didn't want to. 

Getting pulled out of my trance I felt Shanik shift, his hand held me closer to him. He gasped, whipping my head to look at him I noticed that he was still sleeping. Realization suddenly hit me...he was having a bad dream.

Pulling my arms out from in between our bodies I hugged him, whispering comforting words into his ear. That's when I heard it;

"Don't leave me, please don't leave me!"

My eyes widened, " Shanik. Your okay, your alright."

His arms continued to get tighter and tighter around my waist, surprised by his quick gesture I gasped for breath.

"You can't leave me,! Alex! Please!"

Noticing a tear fall down his lashes I leaned into him, "Shanik I'm right here, I promise. I'm not going to leave you, I'm right here." Then I kissed him .

It wasn't like the first one, not at all. This one was more... Personal, more intimate. I felt like I'd been invited into a new part of his life, just as he'd been let into some of mine. It was a wonderful yet scary.

I was happy to know that he trusted me, that he believed I wouldn't judge him with his secrets, his fears and weaknesses. Of course I wouldn't. And yet it was a fearful thing to know the truth and hold all that power against him if we grew apart, even though I wouldn't.

It was a mix of emotions.

Getting sucked out of my trance I noticed that I was still kissing him.. but he was kissing back. This kiss was one of the ones I'd never forget. Tears streaked his eyes, the kiss tasting of salt, as if we had been in the ocean.

I pulled away.

"Are you alright?"

He took a moment to answer, "I will be."

That made my heart break a little inside.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He looked up, his eyes reaching mine, I could feel him holding back more tears, "will you just promise me something?"

I nodded, no hint of hesitation visible.

"Just... Please don't leave me? Okay? Even if at some point you just want to be friends, if the Sadoni bond is too strong for you. If..."

I pulled him into me, " I can't promise that and you know it. At some point I could die or be taken away again. And don't tell me that it won't happen because nobody can guarantee that. So I'll make you a new promise alright?"

He just looked at me, waiting for a response, so I continued.

" I promise that wherever I go, or if I ever leave or something tragic happens, that I'll leave you my heart."

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