Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.

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Its been so hard recently, after being in a car crash with my parents and both of them sadly passing away at the age of 18 this is not something i should be dealing with, i am mentally broken. i have no motivation for anything i just lock myself in my room and look at the walls.

I guess i should introduce myself my names Kate I'm 18 and I'm a designer nothing big or anything but I'm getting there. I live in St Ives alone in my parents house its pretty depressing down here now i have no family. The closet thing i have to family is probably my friend Brad and his family, but i never see him anymore because he lives in Birmingham but hes also in the band called The Vamps. Im so proud of him he is achieving everything he has always wanted and he has gained such amazing friends out of it i can always remember sitting in his bedroom watching him cover songs for his YouTube now hes flying all over the world performing on huge stages.

I just want to see him, I haven't seen him for about 7 months and its hard because of everything that's going on but he always keeps in contact which is something i guess. Hes currently touring with The Wanted so i doubt he will make the funeral tomorrow. I haven't spoken to him for a few days last text i got from him was

" I hope your okay babe, I'm still ill don't seem to be getting any better Joe wants me to get checked out think its a chest infection of something like that speak to you soon stay strong night xxx" I hope hes okay.

So today's been a pretty boring day but I'm off for a walk to the seafront, its only a 2 mins walk so I'm just sat here on the wall watching the boats come in when my phone vibrated 1 New Message From Brad Xx

" I'm really sorry i haven't been in contact for a few days I've just been sleeping so much cause its so tiring on tour. Are you ok? i miss you I'm going to try and make it tomorrow I'm talking to Joe about it now i will call later if that's okay xxx"

I quickly replied " Its fine don't want you getting to tired your far to moody otherwise and i cant be dealing with that. I'm fine getting through it as best as i can, If you cant make it don't worry i miss you as well hope everyone's okay send my love to the Simpsons and the boys xxx" and then started to walk home and i instantly felt so much better even though it was just a text from brad but it makes me know that we will always be friends no matter how big The Vamps will get.

Its getting late now so i guess i should get some rest before the big day tomorrow which I'm dreading i go into the bathroom and have a quick shower and change into some warm pj's before getting in bed as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm flat out asleep.

Bradley Will Simpson Going out of his way because of a girl.Where stories live. Discover now